
in-country researchers in Ghana, Senegal and Nigeria

Volunteer and Service Enquiry Southern Africa (VOSESA) is a unique not-for-profit organisation which seeks to strengthen volunteering and civic service in southern Africa through research, publishing and convening. Based in South Africa, VOSESA has made significant contributions to understanding the nature, scope and impact of volunteering and civic service in southern Africa and is widely recognised as a knowledge-leader in the field. To read more about VOSESA’s work, visit its website at www.vosesa.org.za.

VOSESA has been commissioned by the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids to conduct research into usage of social media on the African continent with a focus on sub-regional trends and five African countries: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal and South Africa. Of particular interest to the Campaign is how social media has been used by civil society, government and the private sector to push forward policy change, raise awareness, and mobilise people to action. The research will inform the Campaign’s planned expansion into a select number of countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

VOSESA requires a total of three well-qualified and experienced researchers to support the study in Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal. The researchers must be available to conduct a desk review and in-depth interviews in early to mid August and should ideally be located in the countries in which the study is taking place. Researchers should have the following qualifications:

- Post-graduate degree (preferably PhD) in social sciences or related field
- Experience of carrying out in-depth interviews with representatives from government, civil society and business
- Experience in developing case studies
- Excellent writing and analytic skills in English (fluency in French and English is required for Senegal)
- In-depth knowledge of social development issues in the country concerned
- An interest in or knowledge of social media is desirable
- Good communication and people skills
- Attention to detail
- Ability to deliver to deadline and work as a member of a team

Researchers will be required to:

1. Make themselves available for a thorough research briefing over the telephone or by Skype;

2. Write a desk review on social media usage by different actors is the county and contextualise this within the country’s socio-economic, political and cultural context. This will include information on whether and how the tobacco industry is leveraging social media to promote its products;

3. Develop a list of social media sites that are unique to the country.

4. Identify two examples of social media usage in the country, ideally in two different sectors (public/private/civil society) and develop a case profile on each of these;

5. Identify key informants and make arrangements to conduct 4 in-depth interviews to gain further insight into social media usage in the country and support the development of the case profiles;

6. Transcribe each of the interviews and (and in the case of Senegal, translate each interview);

7. Write up a country report according to the template provided by VOSESA, which includes the aspects outlined in points 2, 4 and 5;

8. Be available to answer queries from VOSESA about the data and report submitted;

9. Finalise the country report and case profiles following input from VOSESA;

10. Carry out the research according to the procedures and ethics outlined by VOSESA.

VOSESA has worked hard to establish a reputation for high quality research. Researchers must therefore be committed to conducting research of a high standard and providing as much detail as possible to enable VOSESA to finalise the analysis and report writing.

Interested individuals should send a CV, a letter outlining their interest and motivating how they would approach the research, and the names and contact details of three referees to Reason Beremauro, VOSESA Research Coordinator (Reason.Beremauro@vosesa.org.za) by Monday, 16 July 2012. Interviews will be conducted during the week of 16 July 2012.