
Medical Laboratory Technologists Comitato Collaborazione Medica (CCM)

Somalia - Somaliland, Puntland, South and Central Zones

He/she will carry out the following activities and tasks:

• Identification, in agreement with local Health authorities and counterparts (WHO, Merlin), of a suitable existing laboratory which can be upgraded and become “referral laboratory” for the Region.
• Assessment of the existing laboratory facility and definition of the needs, in terms of infrastructure, rehabilitation and equipment provision.
• Selection of laboratory staff (laboratory focal point and laboratory technicians); employment of the successful candidates; technical and administrative follow-up of the Referral Laboratory staff.
• Organization (in collaboration with WHO and AMREF) of refresher training for the selected staff.
• Management of the Referral Laboratory team, which will include the Laboratory Focal Point and 2 locally-recruited laboratory technicians.
• Organization of the “core” activities of the referral laboratory which include:
a) quality control for malaria and TB diagnostic activities carried out in peripheral laboratories
b) definition and implementation of a calendar for monthly supervisory visits of TB and malaria laboratories which will cover at least 10% of malaria and TB laboratories in the specific working area,
• Organization, with the technical support from WHO and AMREF, of training/ refresher training on malaria and TB diagnosis for laboratory technicians from peripheral laboratories.
• Continuous on-the-job training of staff of peripheral laboratories during supervisory visits.
• Participate to all information-sharing and coordination meeting related to Laboratory activities and, more widely, the Malaria Control Programme organized at zonal level.
• Participate to Malaria coordination meeting and Malaria programme review workshop in Nairobi, when requested by the Country Coordinator.
• Production of monthly report on the project implementation progress and on the Referral Laboratory activities. The monthly reports has to be finalized and transmitted to Nairobi within the 7th of the following month.
• Production of quarterly technical reports on performance and quality of services in the supervised laboratories, following standard reporting formats. The technical assessment of TB diagnostic activities will be handed over to the TB Project Coordinator, who will integrate the laboratory component with the clinical one and elaborate the final comprehensive TB report. The quarterly reports have to be finalized and transmitted within the 7th day of the following month (technical reports on TB diagnostic activities must be forwarded to the TB Programme Coordinator as soon as the supervision is concluded).


2 years of experience in TB/HIV lab activities
Experience working in volatile and unstable conditions
Somali speaking applicants will have an added advantage
How to apply
Applications with detailed curriculum vitae and traceable references should be addressed to ccm.nbi@ccm-italia.org with a copy to prograss.som@ccm-italia.org