
Tender Universal Access to Female Condom Joint Programme End Evaluation

The Universal Access to Female Condom (UAFC) Joint Programme, an initiative of four Dutch organisations, aims to make female condoms accessible, affordable and available for all. UAFC plans an end evaluation of all components of the programme.

We hereby send you the Terms of Reference of this end evaluation.

If you are interested in participating in this end evaluation, individually or with a team, we would like to invite you to send a proposal of up to 6 pages (excluding appendices) describing:

  • Your understanding of the task.
  • The methodology you propose to use for the evaluation.
  • Why you/your team are/is well positioned to be recruited for this research; including a description of the team that you propose and an explanation of the divisions of tasks.
  • A time schedule.
  • The budget for the implementation of your proposal, including all expenses in connection with this evaluation. Please note that the maximum is EUR 100,000, excluding VAT.
  • Please include curriculum vitae for every team members including 2 references who can be contacted by UAFC.


  • Please send your proposal by email to Lucie.van.Mens@oxfamnovib.nl and Monique.demenint@oxfamnovib.nl at the latest on March 15 2011 before 12.00 GMT.
  • After reviewing the proposals UAFC, will make a selection of maximum three proposals and communicate this no later than March 22, 2011.
  • UAFC is planning to interview those selected based on their proposal. The purpose of the interview is to seek further clarification concerning your proposal and previous experience in FC and end evaluations. (Please let us know how to contact you for an interview on March 24, 2011).
  • After the interviews UAFC will decide on the final selection of the research team by no later than March 31, 2011.
  • If your team is selected, the next step will be the elaboration of the draft evaluation plan.

Appreciation of the tender proposals will be based on quality of the team, methodological quality, timeframe and budget.

For clarifying question regarding the tender, please get in contact with Mrs. Lucie van Mens (Lucie.van.Mens@oxfamnovib.nl + 31 70 3421 909) or Mrs. Monique Demenint (Monique.demenint@oxfamnovib.nl + 31 70 3421 929).

With best regards,

Lucie van Mens
Coordinator UAFC Joint Programme

Annex: Terms of Reference End Evaluation UAFC Joint Programme


Terms of Reference End Evaluation UAFC Joint Programme

1. Short presentation of Universal Access to Female Condom Joint Programme
The Universal Access to Female Condom Joint Programme, which started in 2008 is an ambitious programme aimed to make the female condom accessible, affordable and available for all. Its goals are to contribute to a decrease in new infections with HIV and STIs and of unwanted pregnancies, as well as to enable women to exercise power over their own sexual and reproductive health.

To realise its goals UAFC has a three-fold strategy:
a. Supporting Research and Development on female condoms and their actual manufacturing; including promotion of choice and reduction of costs as well as expanding overall production capacity.
b. Two large-scale FC country programmes in Nigeria and Cameroon, including a comprehensive package of activities to increase the demand for female condoms in order to ensure a steady supply of the commodity and to ensure that the female condoms (as well as training and IEC activities) are included in regular service provision within ongoing national programmes.
c. National and international advocacy to ensure that the female condom gets the attention it deserves by putting it on the political agenda and ensuring funding. A more systematic approach to linking and learning, which includes input into the programme and international advocacy from various actors and from past experiences.

This three fold strategy is based on the following main assumptions:
- The female condom is one of the driving forces for sexual health and rights for women and girls.
- Demand will increase when female condoms are made available and affordable on a large scale.
- Female condoms are for all women and women; and not only intended for a specific segment of society.
- Social marketing + is needed as traditional social marketing might not be enough to introduce the female condom. Awareness and training are accompanied by mass media in order to create mass exposure, while at the same time training directed at specific groups are conducted to maximize knowledge of the product and its benefits.
- A triangle of actors (civil society, the private sector and government) will together be able to make UAFC a success. CSOs will be able to advocate for sexual and reproductive rights and to provide opportunities for social marketing plus. Support from the government and specialised UN agencies is essential for the inclusion of FC in existing service packages and the private sector plays a role in making FC available through different outlets.
- Implementing the three components of the programme is seen as the best way of achieving the overall goal of UAFC.

The programme was initiated by four organisations in The Netherlands; the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Oxfam Novib, i+ solutions and RutgersWPF. For the two large-scale country programmes in Nigeria and Cameroon local organisations are contracted.

2. Evaluation objectives
Objectives of the end evaluation UAFC joint programme will be the following:
- to report on the achievement of the overall aim & goals of the programme
- to provide input to learn from the contribution of the different parts of the programme towards the achievement of the overall goals

Main direct users of the report are:
- RutgersWPF, Oxfam Novib and i+ solutions; interested both on the result but also on the lessons learned on the organisational structure of UAFC.
- Organizations in Cameroon and Nigeria: ACMS, SFH and their partners; interested both in the results and the lessons learned.
- UAFC joint programme staff and ISG members; interested in both the results and the lessons learned
- Platform members; interested both on the results and the lessons learned
- Hewlett Foundation, Sida, Danida, The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and potential donors: which will be especially interested in the results achieved with the funds provided and also the lessons learned for future FC programmes

3. Scope of the evaluation
Impact research
Besides the end evaluation, UAFC initiated an impact research to answer the following questions:
- Does the female condom contribute to a decrease in HIV rates and the number of unwanted pregnancies?
- What is the role of men in the acceptance and use of female condom?

This research has started in February 2011 and will be implemented parallel to the end evaluation.

End evaluation
This end evaluation is broader than the research as it will look at all components of the programme, its organisational structure and the underlying assumptions.
Concerning the achievement of objectives UAFC is for the end evaluation primarily interested in contribution of the programme towards making female condoms available, affordable and accessible for all. Therefore questions on impact on HIV rates and unwanted pregnancies as well as questions on male involvement should not be integrated in the evaluation proposal.

4. Key evaluation questions
The UAFC joint programme is a complex programme with different strategies and components. Based at the overall goals of the programme, the objectives of the components, its organisational structure and underlying assumptions, the following main questions are defined.

1. Overall programme
1.1 To what extend has the UAFC joint programme achieved its overall objective of making female condoms available, affordable and accessible for all?
1.2. How did the different components of the UAFC programme contribute to making condoms available, accessible and affordable for all?

- Was it for the achievement of the overall goals indeed crucial to employ a threefold strategy, with three components (R&D, country programs and International Advocacy)?
- What are the effectiveness and efficiency of implementing the different programme components at the same time?
- What was the contribution of the different components (research & development, international advocacy & linking and learning, country programmes) to the objective of making condoms available, accessible and affordable for all?

2. Research and development
2.1 How effective and efficient was the R&D component in achieving its objectives?
2.2 How has UAFC as a NGO consortium influenced the female condom industry, a private sector?

3. Country programmes
Besides the following main questions, the country programmes will have the possibility to include their questions.
3.1 How effective and efficient were the country programmes in achieving their objectives?
- What are the major factors influencing the (non-)achievement of objectives?

3.2. Which methodologies (partly based on the underlying assumptions) in the country programmes have contributed to demand creation?
- How has the availability of female condoms in Cameroon (two types ) and Nigeria (1 type) increased demand?
- How have the different components of social marketing plus contributed to the demand creation?
- How has the inclusion of female condom in reproductive health and family planning contributed to demand creation?
- Is marketing beyond specific target groups indeed effective?
- What is the profile of a sustainable FC2 user?
- How effective and efficient is free sampling as a promotion method?

3.3 How has the cooperation, coordination and governance structure in the countries influenced the (non-)achievement of objectives?

3.4 How has the triangle of actors (civil society, the private sector and the government) contributed to the achievement of the objectives?
- What were the major factors influencing the partnership between the civil society, the private sector and the government?
- What has been the specific role of each of the actors in the triangle?

3.5 To what extend are the country programmes sustainable?
- How will the reserve fund contribute to sustainability?
- What was the role of the triangle of actors (including the lead organisation and the steering committee(s)) in creating interest in female condoms and securing funds for the coming years?

Additional questions for Cameroon
3.6 How effective and efficient was the support to the LANACOME laboratory?
3.7 Does a variety of condoms indeed increase demand as assumed?
3.8 Is the profile of a FC2 user different to the profile of a Reddy user?

4. Comparison between the two country programmes
4.1 Are factors influencing the (non-) achievement in the two countries similar?
4.2 Are strategies working the same in the two countries?
- Free sampling
- Social marketing +

5. International advocacy, L&L and communication
5.1 How effective and efficient was the IA, L&L and communication component in achieving its objectives?
- What are the major factors influencing the (non-)achievement of objectives?
- How has L&L improved strategies and informed International Advocacy?
5.2 How sustainable are the different activities of IA and L&L?

6. Partnership and governance & coordination structure
6.1. How has the governance and coordination structure influenced the (non)achievement of the objectives?

- Which aspects of governance, coordination and collaboration were facilitating and which were less effective/blocking progress?
- role of the steering committee
- role of coordination group and independent coordinator
- role of CLOs
- role of fundraising
- role of contract management
- communication between components of the programme

6.2 What was the role of the different partners of the programme, including the role of the overall coordinator and ISG chair in achieving its objectives?

- What was the added value of working with different organisations on one programme with special attention to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as it is both a donor as well as a partner?
- Which factors coming from the different organisations were facilitation/hindering the achievements of objectives?
- Which factors in the division of task were facilitating/hindering the achievement of objectives?
- To what extend was the role of one subcontractor for the country programmes facilitating the involvement of other NGOs in relation to the achievement of the objectives?

5. Research methodology
The evaluation methodology and design will be developed by the evaluator(s) in close collaboration with the UAFC evaluation committee. This paragraph states only some directions/suggestions for the research.

Use of existing data
It is preferred that the evaluation will start with existing data available. Quarterly reports are available of all components of the programme. To monitor progress of the country programmes Knowledge, Attitude & Practices (KAP) have been carried out for baseline information. Besides KAP, the supply chain is monitored through regular MAP (Measuring Access and Performance) studies and progress through TRaC (Tracking Results Continuously) studies.

Participatory approach
UAFC values a participatory approach for the end evaluation to ensure that different perspectives and perceptions are taken into account. This will ensure relevance and increased ownership of the evaluation findings by the different stakeholders.

6. Expected outputs
1. Evaluation plan
Draft evaluation plan included the following:
- Detailed description of methodology and data gathering methods
- Detailed plan and budget
- Methodological challenges and how these are taken into account
Final evaluation plan

2. Evaluation report
- Evaluation research report of 70 pages max (excluding annexes) is expected including the following;
- An executive summary
- The objectives as stated in the terms of reference
- A justification of the methods and techniques used including any limitations of the evaluation
- Presentation of the findings, their analysis, conclusions, lessons learned and recommendations concerning
- Overall objectives
- Research and Development
- Country programmes (including comparison)
- International Advocacy, Linking & Learning and Communication
- Partnership and governance & coordination
- Final conclusions & recommendations
- Final evaluation report

3. Presentation of evaluation findings
UAFC Joint Programme plans a female condom conference at the end of 2011, where the consultants(s) will present the findings.

7. Requirements
The evaluator(s) need(s) to have experience and expertise in the following areas:
- End evaluations of complex programmes
- Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (including STIs and HIV/AIDS and preventive methods)
- Gender (& male influence on use of contraceptives and prevention methods)
Language skills: English and French

Knowledge of procurement, supply chain management and working with the private market is also required for the evaluation of the R&D component. In case of non availability in the team, UAFC is open to discuss possible solutions.

Proposal for local consultants will be discussed with the partners in the countries.

8. Management arrangements
For the end evaluation UAFC Joint Programme will set up a Evaluation Committee consisting of the coordinator of the programme (Lucie van Mens) and the programme officer in charge of the evaluation (Ciska Kuijper).

9. Tentative timeframe
March April April/ May/June/July Aug Sept Oct Nov
Selection of evaluators x
Evaluation plan x
Implementing the evaluation x
Draft report (consolidated or per component)* x
Comments on draft report x
Final report x
Presentation of evaluation findings x
* in consultation with the evaluators it can be decided either to make an draft consolidated report of all components or first separate documents per component.

10. Budgets
Total budget for the end evaluation is ranging from 70.000 to 100.000 Euro excluding VAT.
From this budget a maximum 20.000 Euro can be allocated to the evaluation of the Nigeria programme just as a maximum 20.000 Euro can be allocated for the Cameroon programme.

Contact persoon: Shabinah Asgarali
Telefoonnummer: 070-3421 868/713
E-mailadres: Lucie.van.Mens@oxfamnovib.nl
website: http://www.oxfamnovib.nl