
NEPAD Fundraising Gala Dinner as part of the 10th Anniversary celebration

Request for Expressions of Interest to Provide Consultancy Services: NEPAD Fundraising Gala Dinner as part of the 10th Anniversary celebration

This year marks NEPAD’s 10th Anniversary. The NEPAD Agency plans to host a fundraising Gala Dinner as part of the 10th Anniversary. The Gala Dinner will be part of a social awareness campaign to raise funds for a good cause that is close to a NEPAD related project or institution. The Gala Dinner shall also contribute to the dialogue about the legacy of NEPAD in confronting the challenges of development in Africa.

The NEPAD Agency would like to outsource the services of an Events management company to help in resource mobilization for the Gala Dinner and to be in charge of the fund raising activities.

Events Management Companies are invited to bid for this assignment for a total budget. They indicate their interest by submitting a Proposal detailing their qualifications, highlighting relevant and recent experience, and proposed approach for this Assignment; and the total budget required (with a breakdown between fees and expenses). They will also have to submit a company profile.

Please send your Proposal to:

Ms. Corine Motouom Kounga: corinem@nepad.org / Mr. Giles Erick Foadey: Erickf@nepad.org

Or call us for more information on +27 11 256 3681

Deadline for responding to this call for expression of interest: 15 August 2011.

Click here to download the Terms of Reference