

vacancy no: ORI 4/2011closing date: OPEN UNTILL FILLED

Duties: The successful candidate will be expected to initiate, establish and develop research programmes leading to improved understanding of limnological processes in southern African wetlands, particularly the Okavango Delta in northern Botswana. Specific research activities should be directed towards: nutrient dynamics, plankton ecology, biogeochemical processes in the water column and benthos, and interactions between submerged aquatic vegetation, phytoplankton and attached communities. Specific functions include (i) developing an understanding of the limnological (physical, chemical and biological) characteristics of southern African wetlands (ii) contributing to multidisciplinary studies requiring data on limnology in relation to management of wetlands and associated river systems including modelling potential impacts of inflow alterations resulting from upstream changes (iii) contributing to the research environment of the Institute by preparing project proposals for funding including work on limnological changes in relation to climate change (iv) work in a team and be able to interact constructively (v) disseminate scholarly research findings via high-quality peer reviewed journals and other outlets, including national and international scientific meetings (vi) teach and supervise undergraduate and graduate students.

Requirements: Associate Professor: Candidates should have the following qualifications and experience: (i) A PhD or equivalent qualification in Limnology, Wetland science or a related field; with at least three years experience at the rank of Senior Research Scholar level or equivalent post at a university or a comparable institution; (ii) Minimum of 21 published research products 14 of which are refereed journal articles; evidence of sustained research output, lead and/or singe author in at least 11 refereed journal articles or book chapters; the overall profile of research should provide evidence of research mentorship of junior scholars (iv) evidence of attraction of research grants from outside organisations (v) ability to lead collaborative research including multi disciplinary and cross-cultural teamwork (vi) evidence of service to the university, profession and community (vii) demonstrate effective academic leadership. Senior Research Scholar: Candidates should have the following qualifications and experience: (i) A PhD or equivalent qualification in Limnology, Wetland science or a related field; (ii) Minimum of 10 published research products and/and or creative work ; at least 7 of these in refereed journal articles; evidence of sustained research output; lead and/or single author in at least 3 refereed journal articles or book chapters, (iii) Evidence of academic leadership and of service to the university, profession and community will be added advantages. Research Scholar: Candidates should have the following qualifications and experience: (i)A PhD or equivalent qualification in Limnology, Wetland Science or a related field; (ii)university teaching experience or equivalent will be an added advantage (iii) evidence of engagement in research, academic leadership and of service to the university, profession and community will also be an added advantage.

Remuneration: The University offers a competitive salary and benefits commensurate with experience and qualifications

How To Apply: Letters of applications are to address the stated qualifications and provide any other information to assist the University to determine your suitability for the position. You should quote the vacancy number of the post applied for, provide current C.Vs (including telephone, telex and telefax numbers and e-mail), certified true copies of educational certificates, transcripts and names and addresses of three referees. Send your application to:

Centre Administrator,

Harry Oppenheimer Okavango Research Centre,

Private Bag 285, Maun

Tel 6861833; Fax 6861835


Applicants should inform their referees to (i) Quote the Vacancy Number(s) and Position(s) applied for and (ii) submit their references directly to the above address, before the stipulated closing date.

Click here to apply online

Please note that applications with incomplete information shall not be acknowledged

Hand delivered applications should be submitted to office No.018, Block 223(223/018)