
Advocacy/Project Officer EAHP

European Association of Hospital Pharmacists

Brussels, Belgium

The European Association of Hospital Pharmacists is a working community of national associations of hospital pharmacists. Its membership includes representatives of national hospital pharmacy associations in almost all of the European Union (EU) member states, in addition to Switzerland, Norway, Serbia, Turkey, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia (FYROM) and Bosnia Herzegovina. Membership is increasing each year and, at present, EAHP represents the interests of over 21,000 hospital pharmacists in 31countries of Europe. EAHP is an international non-profit organisation with its headquarters in Bruxelles and has a broad network of hospital pharmacy professionals across Europe working with us to the benefit of our profession.

EAHP has just reorganized its central activities and now has an opening for a full time staff member to further the advocacy of the hospital pharmacy profession mainly in the European institutions in Bruxelles but also in Strasbourg.
A key area of responsibility for this post is to coordinate the efforts of EAHP with regard to public policies, such as the current initiative for hospital pharmacy specialization.
This position will be responsible for the following principal complexes of work:

  • Coordinating and supporting EAHP’s engagement and participation with regards to legislation and projects important to hospital pharmacy, both at the national and international level and in close cooperation with relevant staff and board members;
  • Identifying and securing public funding opportunities for EAHP’s initiatives;
  • Coordinating and supporting EAHP’s engagement with the private sector including the establishment and maintenance of contacts with industry federations;
  • Coordinating and supporting EAHP’s engagement with other stakeholders such as non-governmental and like-minded organizations on joint initiatives;
  • Coordinating and supporting the development and review of international and regional strategies and work plans to ensure EAHP’s effective engagement in relevant public policy developments.


  • must be able to find and follow developments and trends significant for the hospital pharmacy profession now and in the future, especially those related to the safe and effective use of medicines;
  • must possess a network that can contribute to the successful implementation of the his/her role;
  • must have the ability to establish relationships with people and organizations on the European level with whom EAHP can shape the future for the hospital pharmacy profession and its services (i.e. patient organisations, like-minded NGOs, etc.);
  • must have a background in hospital pharmacy (not necessary to be a hospital pharmacist);
  • must have either a background or a strong interest in European regulation within the health care sector and have experience in working with health care decision makers on European level, an applicant with an established network is desired;
  • needs proven, professional strategic and technical abilities in conducting complex multi-cultural and multi-stakeholder processes of policy development;
  • could also have a background in European law and administration with a strong interest for the health care sector including hospital pharmacy;
  • must have active-listening skills, experience in communicating with the media and the ability to facilitate interactive discussions and maintain positive interpersonal relations;
  • must be able to grasp the key technical components and the strategic direction set by the Board of Directors and the Chief Operating Officer with sufficient confidence to provide authoritative and reliable input to public policy making and advice to the board members;
  • Should be able to identify with the values and mission of EAHP, relate to the principle mechanisms of the organization and be, at a general level, familiar with the scope of EAHP’s projects, political dialogue and networking;
  • must be able to be self supportive in the daily work together with flexibility in supporting the EAHP in its different processes as this will also be important criteria in the selection process;
  • must be willing and able to work outside normal business hours as EAHP holds meetings on the weekends several times a year being dependant on unpaid professionals in the board and committees;
  • must be willing to travel as needed;
  • must be a team player;
  • must have excellent English written and oral skills to be able to respond to EU/EMA consultations, a second language (French and/or Dutch) would be preferable;
  • must have the ability to create power point presentations, documents and work with the EAHP staff to create brochures and other literature needed.

For more details and to apply for this job click here