
Consultant for Energy Efficiency Information Systems (EEIS) UNDP Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Reference: SAU/IC-10/12

Country:, Saudi Arabia

Description of the assignment: Lead Consultant for Energy Efficiency Information Systems (EEIS)
Office Name: UNDP Saudi Arabia – Saudi Energy Efficiency Centre
Period of assignment/services: Full time for one year with possible extension to three

Availability Date: 1st October 2012

Proposal should be submitted to the following email address: mustafa.khamees@undp.org no later than Wednesday 1 August 2012.

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the address or e-mail indicated above. [Mustafa Khamees at mustafa.khamees@undp.org] will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.

This is the second phase of a capacity development programme for the King Abdul-Aziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) aimed at supporting the recently established Saudi Energy Efficiency Centre to achieve the Kingdom’s increasingly important goals for energy conservation. As Saudi Arabia continues to diversify its economy beyond oil exports, energy intensity of the economy has grown in key sectors like housing and buildings, consumer appliances, heavy industry, water and transport. With electricity in Saudi Arabia predominantly from oil-burning power facilities, and in order to conserve oil resources for the future generation, a key focus of the Government and industry leaders is to reduce the energy intensity growth through policy, management and technology measures.

This project focuses on four major outcomes with the overall goal of capacity development for the new Saudi Energy Efficiency Centre: (i) Energy Efficiency Policy and Regulations: design of the first Energy Conservation Law and related actions plans and regulations at national and local levels to achieve targets; (ii) Energy Information System: design and establishment of a new national energy information system as a base of data on energy supply and demand, forecasting and monitoring/evaluation of targets. (iii) Capacity Development for Energy Efficiency Managers and Leaders: design and implementation of extensive training programmes for energy manager and leaders from public and private sectors focused on challenges and opportunities in key sectors like buildings, consumer appliances, heavy industry, transport, power supply and water; (iv) Awareness Raising on Energy Conservation: design and implementation of
nation-wide campaign on energy conservation aimed at enhancing energy consumption patterns and behavior for the public.

The Lead Engineer for Energy Efficiency Information Systems (EEIS) will manage the activities of the
EEIS Work Group. The primary responsibility of this position will be to direct SEEC’s efforts under the
Project to organize, synthesize, and present energy efficiency information for dissemination and
promote the Saudi energy service industry. He shall also help implement special projects to help NEEP
promote energy efficiency in Saudi Arabia’s energy policy.
Technical Responsibilities
- Direct data collection from sources within and outside the Government agencies, on energy efficiency: market, equipment, financing, end-use, and other issues; direct preparation of summary reports describing this information for internal SEEC use and external dissemination.
- Direct development of databases and information management systems to facilitate retrieval and use of relevant energy efficiency information.
- Design Blue print and establish information management and dissemination centers at SEEC and in regional offices throughout Saudi Arabia; oversee establishment of monitoring and oversight procedures for information center.
- Analyze comparative models and lessons learned around the world and feasibility for the Saudi context.
- Assist in building Energy Efficiency indicators for all sectors based on international benchmark.

Managerial Responsibilities
- Direct the members of Work Groups.
- Oversee operation of energy efficiency data centers at SEEC and at regional offices.
- Coordinate provision of information, by information specialists with the various Work Groups.
- Assume responsibility for directing activities of consultants, auditors, and others in various activities, including assessments of information gaps currently inhibiting energy efficiency in Saudi Arabia, and evaluation of optimal communication channels and mechanisms for information dissemination.
- Reporting to Project Manager and UNDP Country Office:
The Lead Engineer for Energy Efficiency Information Systems (EEIS) will report to the National Project Manager and maintain in close contact with UNDP Saudi Arabia Country Office.

The Individual Consultant should possess the following minimum qualifications:

I. Academic Qualifications & Desirable Skills:
- Advanced degree in information management, quantitative analysis, or related field.
- Expertise in information management, database, and/or related software.
- Experience managing a staff of approximately five people.
- Excellent communication skills.
- Strong written and spoken language skills in Arabic and English.
- Knowledge of energy efficiency issues desirable.
II. Years of Experience:
- Ten years of professional experience in information management, preferably in the energy industry.

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
i. Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references.
ii. Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work.
iii. Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work.

Work shall be on a full-time basis with the SEEC for period of (1) year with possible extension to three years. Work place shall be at SEEC offices in Riyadh or any other place as deemed assigned by SEEC.

Job Email id: mustafa.khamees(at)undp.org