
GGGI Expert Roster

Expert Roster pools are organized based on areas of expertise, functional title, etc. For example Energy expert, Renewable energy expert, etc. Roster pools will consist of experts, who have successfully undergone an assessment process
How do you get on an Expert roster
In order to be included in a roster, you have to submit your expression of interest to one or more areas of expertise. In case your submission was successful you will be reached out by GGGI and invited to go through assessment. Experts who have successfully gone through the assessment process will be placed on an Expert Roster pool
What is an assessment process
Expert assessment is an open, transparent and competitive process based on the competencies and criteria required for a specific role. Assessment will normally include technical assignment, panel interview, revision of past work, reference, or other assessment tools as deemed necessary for the role.
How are expert rosters used
When an expertise for any of the below listed areas is required, Hiring Units will refer to the Expert Roster pool and consider pre-assessed expert profiles to fill-in such requirement.
How do I know if I have been put on the roster
Experts who are placed on a roster are informed via e-mail of such placement after the decision has been made by the assessment committee.
Application period:
17 February 2016 - Ongoing
Expert assessments:
On ongoing basis
Current Expert pools
Area of expertise
Application details
Energy Expert
Renewable energy, energy efficiency, etc.
Water Expert
Wastewater management, water governance etc.
Green Cities Expert
Urban planning, sustainable cities, etc.
Land Use Expert
Deforestation, Agriculture, etc.

Application Email: Please apply with a covering letter and up-to-date CV to: 'Roster.38313.3830@gggi.aplitrak.com'