
Consultant for LGA and CBO Capacity asssessment

Terms of Reference for
Aweil West County Local Government Authorities and CSOs Capacity Audit Consultancy

The Food Security Thematic Programme is funded by European Union implemented by Concern Worldwide (CWW) and two Community Based Organizations as Partners Aweil Programme for Agriculture Development (APAD) and Langich United Youth Development Association (LUYDA).
This is a three years project that started on 1st April 2010 and will end on 31st March 2013. The project is located in Aweil West County, Northern Bahr El Ghazal State of South Sudan. The overall objective of the FSTP is to improve food security in favour of the poorest and the most vulnerable and contribute to achieving the first MDG in Aweil West County of Southern Sudan by 2014. The overall objective will be achieved through;
• Protecting, maintaining and recovering productive and social assets vital for the food security of 4,000 of the poorest and most vulnerable households (20,000 persons) in Aweil West County by 2014.
• Improving food and nutrition security of 4,000 disadvantaged and marginalized households (20,000) in Aweil West County by 2014.
• Strengthening the institutional capacity of 2 local community organizations and Aweil West County Local Government Authority by 2014.

The LGAs will be fully involved with programming to allow them the ability to resume their core functions and responsibilities and ensure effective coordination with other donors’ interventions.

People’s expectation of the new Government is high. Roles have undergone transition since the CPA and responsibility for the peoples’ food security is gradually shifting from WFP, NGOs and other UN agencies to the government. Persistent food and nutrition insecurity is exerting increasing pressure on the nascent and fragile government systems and resources.
In order to augment this shift to Government of responsibility for food security the project will support the County Local Government in development of policy, strategy and objectives for food and nutrition security. This action will facilitate development of a working framework for monitoring and evaluation and forward planning for food and nutrition security for as well as emergency and disaster situations.
The project will help address the LGA’s capacity needs for essential service delivery, disaster mitigation and emergency response by supporting development of livelihoods, food and nutrition security analysis and planning systems so as to sustain development in these areas and also safeguard against seasonal and occasional shocks, and disaster risk reduction to build community resilience to mitigate shocks and improved recovery. In line with Concern’s long term strategy, the project will strengthen both county and community institutions in order to put in place reciprocal structures for accountability (both financial and programmatic) of LGA and other county level institutions to vulnerable households and vice versa. Analysis has identified lack of accountability at community and higher levels as a major constraint to early recovery and rehabilitation. To achieve the above the project expects to support institutions to adopt Livelihood analysis framework and household economy analysis framework for food security analysis and service delivery
LGAs will be fully involved with programming to allow them the ability to resume their core functions and responsibilities and ensure effective coordination with other donors’ interventions. This Food Security Thematic Project is designed to facilitate the transition from relief and emergencies to development to reflect the new needs facing host communities and returnees. To enable this, activities focus on investing in the human and physical capital of the counties through capacity building of the LGAs and community target groups, and strengthening of related institutions including the two Community Based Organizations (APAD & LUYDA) as well as supporting sustainable activities that improve household’s abilities to pull themselves out of chronic poverty. Low productive capacity is addressed through agricultural, livestock, markets development, income generation and natural resource management interventions.

The Current status of LGA and CSOs
• The local government is weak and unable to perform core functions
• Selection of public officials based on personal ties and inability by the leaders to distinguish between the personal and the public domains.
• Relatively low levels of control and accountability and coercive use of powers and management wealth(accountability and transparency increasingly becoming and big issue)
• Sheer lack of understanding by those in leadership of government and how a government functions- Absence of policies and systems which could enhance understanding and practice
• Given the cultural norms and few educated women, there is no proactive inclusion of women in all processes of government and development
• Low levels of human capacity/absence of basic skills -due to lost opportunities for education, exposure etc…… the limited available capacity is under use and not oriented towards economic and social development
• Acute infrastructure deficits hampering operation at the lower local government. These include; lack of transport and telecommunication and basic means for institution running
• Limited checks and balance on civil authorities-decades of conflict eroded the civil function of a watch dog.

It is for this background that the request for this consultancy is written to call for a competent institution/ individuals to undertake capacity audit of LGA & CSOs and identify capacity gaps in Aweil West County LGA programme related departments and the CSO partners

Overall Objective
The overall objective of the capacity gap assessment is to identify gaps in the county that needs capacity building and clearly knowing the Local Government framework of operation at the county and how it is linked to the state level so that appropriate support can be made to the Local Government Authorities (LGAs) to realize their vision and establish a decentralized, democratic, efficient, effective, and accountable gender sensitive local government and civil administration institutions in Aweil West County.

Specific Tasks
The proposed capacity audit consultancy services requires to be conducted in Aweil West County in different County local government department and CSO partners to identify the human capacity gaps and recommend relevant interventions needed and how local and central government decision making structures link to each other in the process of service delivery. The consultancy will therefore involve, but not limited to the following tasks

I. A comprehensive assessment tool be produced for review prior to data collection
II. Human capacity gap identification at the LGA departments and partner CSOs
III. Identifying areas where departmental system development covering financial management, human resource management and administration to all the LGAs in Aweil West County needs to be undertaken.
IV. Clearly come up with the County Local Government Frame work showing how the government at the county level links to the state level authorities in the various departments and What structures exist to facilitate citizen participation in influencing planning and decision making at national and local government (lower and district level local government) and how they operate?
V. Assessing and recommending particular areas of partner capacity building relevant to implementation of Concern Worldwide food security income and market programme

Consultancy Methodologies
The consultant is expected to conduct this consultancy with the relevant authorities within the county and where rendered necessary relevant departmental Ministries at state level. Participatory methodologies shall be required in order to allow collection of rightful and useful information from department and Local Government Authorities and CSOs throughout the consultancy period.

Expected Output
i. Clear human capacity gap identified in the different departments
ii. Identify Local authorities and departmental heads of Aweil West County system development.
iii. Capacity building implementation plan for Aweil West County developed
iv. Local Government Authorities framework of operation presented and understood.
v. Recommendations with areas that need capacity building interventions

Complete assessment findings to be submitted 10 days after the training and availed to Concern Worldwide

Location and Duration
I. This Consultancy is expected to commence on 14th February to 24th Feb 2011 in Aweil West County Nyamlel.

II. Local Government Authorities and their departments.

III. State Ministry of Local Government

IV. The Consultancy period is proposed to take 10 days;
• 5 days actual data collection
• 2 traveling days
• 1 day presentation of findings
• 2 days report writing (draft and final)

All the consultancy work will be conducted in Aweil West County, Northern Bahr El Ghazal State

The Following Qualification and Skills are required:
• Have practical experience in Institutional Systems Development (HR, Finance, and Administration
• Expertise in the necessary skills and experience in this field of Governance operations, institutional capacity assessment and strengthening for local governments and CSOs .
• MUST be a national of South Sudan with full knowledge and understanding of the local and central government operating system in South Sudan and knowledge in decentralization operations are highly valued.
• Experience in training in an internationally multi-cultural setting is an added advantage.

Logistical Support
Concern will cover all the transport and accommodation related cost during the consultation period

Line of Communication
The consultant will directly report to and be managed by the Assistant Country Director liaising closely with the FIM Programme Manager.

Other Conditions

The Consultant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Client from and against any and all actions, expenses (including without limitation, claims for fraud, misconduct or negligence and compliance with any laws relating to providing the services and including without limitation compliance with any laws and obligations relating to taxation, social provision and other such matters).

2. Insurance
All necessary personal insurance cover (and professional liability where appropriate) for the Consultant will be arranged by the Consultant. Evidence of this insurance should be provided before the contract is agreed.

3. Taxes
The Consultant is responsible for any taxes in connection to this assignment. This Consultant shall not be subject to withholding tax, unless otherwise collectable under any prevailing Laws in South Sudan.

4. Programme Participant Protection Policy
The Client strives to maintain the highest standards in its work and in the day-today conduct of its employees, partners and consultants. The Client is strongly opposed to any form of discrimination, sexual exploitation, violence, intimidation, misuse of funds/alcohol/drug, or harassment of any kind. The Consultant is required to read and agree to the Client’s Programme Participant Protection Policy before signing this contract. Signing this contract is taken as confirmation of agreement to adhere to this Policy.

5. Concern South Sudan - Code of Conduct
Concern, as an international organization involved in the alleviation of poverty, seeks to implement successful relief and development programmes through its commitment to best practice and the quality of work of its staff and associates (i.e. partner agencies, consultants and visitors). In this context, staff and associates have a responsibility to strive for and maintain the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct of their work in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. As such, the following Code of Conduct should be adhered to at all times by staff and associates. More detail can be found in the Programme Participant Protection Policy and all employees and associates are expected to be familiar with it.

Discrimination: Concern employees and associates must not discriminate in any way. Forms of discrimination may include making employment or programming decisions based on family status, race, membership of the traveller community, gender, religion, colour, national or ethnic origin, language, marital status, birth, sexual orientation, age, disability, or political conviction.

Conflict of interest: Concern is committed to working in partnership with the poorest and those who support the interests of the poorest. No staff member or associate should be involved in awarding benefits, contracts or employment to any person with whom they have financial, family or personal interests; the obligation rests with the individual to declare such a conflict to his/her line manager or Concern and to withdraw. Staff members and associates are prohibited from accepting, soliciting, requesting or implying expectations of payment, gifts or sexual favours in exchange for awarding benefits, contracts or employment. All staff and associates should avoid situations in which their personal interest may conflict, or appear to conflict, with the interests of Concern or its programme participants.

Misuse of drugs and alcoholic drink: It is a disciplinary offence to be at work whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs not medically prescribed. Being in possession of, or using, distributing or selling illegal substances is not permitted on Concern premises or whilst on Concern business. It is prohibited for employees and associates to come to work under influence of alcohol or non-prescription drugs. It is prohibited for staff and associates to distribute non-prescription drugs. The conviction of an employee on drugs related charges will result in disciplinary action, which could lead to dismissal on the grounds of gross misconduct.

Personal gifts: All staff and associates must observe the highest standards of honesty and integrity by not abusing their position for personal gain. Abuse of a position would include withholding goods that are due to Concern’s programme participants, or awarding goods that are not due to programme participants in order to obtain gifts, payment or sexual favour from programme participants, or accepting gifts or goods from interested parties. Any such abuses will be considered acts of gross misconduct and will result in dismissal. Staff and associates should conduct themselves at all times in a manner that avoids suspicion.

Sexual relationships with children: Sexual activity between a Concern staff member or associate and a child (a person under the age of 18) is not to be conducted. Mistaken belief in their age is no defence.

Relationships with programme participants (i.e. project beneficiaries): Sexual relationships between humanitarian workers and programme participants are strongly discouraged since they are most likely to be based on inherently unequal power dynamics. Such relationships undermine the credibility and integrity of humanitarian aid work. All employees and associates should exercise discretion, professionalism and good judgement when there is a relationship between them and programme participants.

Harassment, exploitation and abuse: Concern recognises that all employees/ associates and programme participants have a right to be treated with dignity and respect. Therefore, any proven instances of harassment, exploitation or abuse will be treated as gross misconduct and, as such, will result in appropriate disciplinary action being taken, up to and including dismissal, or termination of contract (for associates).

Duty to report: It is the duty of all staff and associates who become aware of any breaches of this Code to report this immediately to a line manager in Concern, either through the established reporting mechanism or, if not appropriate, to the designated staff contacts listed below. Employees, contact staff and managers must ensure that all information about breaches of this Code is handled with the utmost discretion.
Concern Nyamlel

Procedure of Application;

Expression of interest including technical and financial proposal should be sent by email to: joram.mwesigye@concern.net or Sarthak.pal@concern.net not later than 28th February 2011 by 5:30pm

Concern Worldwide South Sudan Programmes
Northern Bahr-el Ghazal State
Aweil West County Nyamlel.