
Directors Call for Applications

The Coast Water Services Board (CWSB) is responsible for the efficient and economical provision of the Water Services within its area of jurisdiction in accordance with Water Act 2002.

The Board’s core function are: planning for improvement in provision of water and sanitation services and appointing,contracting and monitoring of Water services Providers (WSPs) who provide water and sanitation services as Agents of CWSB.

During the initial stages of implementation of water sector reforms, more emphasis was on the formation of water
companies and their appointment as WSPs through services provision agreements (SPAs) with CWSB.

However,several challenges have been encountered by the WSPs during their operations,most of which are associated with lack of good corporate governance.

In order to address this anomaly,the Water Services regulatory Board (WASREB) developed and gazette corporate Govermence guidlines to be implemented by all water Services Boards and WSPSs

In the past, CWSB, WSPs and the shareholders and stakeholders of the WSPs have been spearheading implementation of the Guidelines.So far, 2 WSPs have held extra ordinary General meetings to amend their Memorandum and articles of Association In order to be in conformity with the Guidelines.

The WSPs are now in the process of appointing Board of Directors whose primary function is oversight –overseeing the conduct of the company’s business so that it is effectively managed in the long-term interest of shareholdres.

Background of the Directors

The composition of the Directors requires mix of skills.apart fromthe respective Local Authorities,other Directors should come from the following stakeholders;

1. For TAWASCO Water & Sanitation Company Ltd.

  • Two (2) Professionals from the council
  • One (1) representative from the chamber of commerce
  • One (1) representative from the Pastrol community.
  • One (1) representative from the farmers community.
  • 1 One representative from the women Organization.
  • 1 One representative from the local professionals.

2. For LAWASCO Water & Sewarage Company.

  • Two (2) Officers from the council
  • Two (2) women respecting two different women organizations
  • One (1) member representing the hotel and tourism industry.
  • One (1) member from the Business community
  • One(1)member from representing the fishing community

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible all the persons appointed to the Board must be:

  • Literate and numerable to ‘O’ level.
  • Demonstrate experience and acumen in a business or any profession of at least 7 years.
  • Demonstrate participation in local development initiative.
  • Have experience or other trading associates of the company
  • Not suppliers or other trading associates of the company.
  • Not persons in current professional or social relationships with the directors of the company.
  • Must be a local resident of the area.

Must not have served in the previous Board for more than 2 terms.

CWSB therefore invites applications from qualified individuals from the above named institutional/stakeholder wishing to be considered to serve as directors for one of the water and sewerage companies.Note each stakeholder should recommend a maximun of three candidates.

Interested persons should submitt their applications and curriculum vitae (CVs) and indicate the local stakeholder group or institution within the service area of respective WSPs to which they belong.the application should be sent on or before Monday, 28th February, 2011 in plain and sealed envelope marked “ application for Directorship” and deposited or sent to

1. Selection Committee
Tana Water & Sewerage Co. Ltd.
P.O Box 90.

2. Lamu Water and Sewerage Co. Ltd.
P.O Box 185.

Andy Maro Tola
Ag.Chief Executive Officer.