
Programme Final Evaluation, Making the Forest Sector Transparent

Global Witness is seeking tenders from an individual or small team to conduct a Final Evaluation for our four year programme, Making the Forest Sector Transparent. The programme strengthens civil society engagement in the forest sector in order to secure government accountability, and operates in seven forest-rich developing countries in Africa and Latin America. See www.foresttransparency.info for more information.

The Final Evaluation has been scheduled to take place between 1 December 2012 and 31 March 2013, in accordance with Global Witness’ obligations to the programme funder, the UK Department for International Development (DFID) Governance and Transparency Fund. Download the full Terms of Reference here.

Potential Final Evaluation Providers are expected to demonstrate creative and successful approaches to and experience in conducting complex, multi-countries programme final evaluations; experience of monitoring civil society strengthening and advocacy initiatives, and to include French and Spanish speakers in the evaluation team.

The terms of reference include the full criteria on which tenders will be assessed, as well as the maximum cost of the services. Tenders must be submitted in English, electronically to Global Witness before 0600 GMT on Monday 19 November 2012. Interviews are expected to take place in London between 27 and 30 November 2012.
19th November 2012
Salary Range: 
See ToR