
Develop a National eGovernment Strategy for Swaziland

Reference: G/CWG/602
Location: Swaziland
Duration: 70 Days
Closing Date: 17 May 2012


In 2004 the Government of Swaziland with the assistance of UNDP and the Open Society Initiative of Southern Africa (OSISA) undertook a study titled ‘Electronic Government for Swaziland: Assessing the Opportunities and Challenges’.

The study highlighted generic and specific opportunities for e-Government initiatives in Swaziland such as:

  • strengthening intra-governmental communications and information sharing;
  • increasing awareness and knowledge of government intentions, policies and programmes;
  • empowering individuals and communities, providing convenient access to the government and government services;
  • improving the performance of government organizations and agencies;
  • improving government accountability and transparency;
  • presenting government as a single entity, providing multi-channel access to government and government services.

A scoping mission was conducted to provide expertise and assistance in analyzing the environment and existing scenario for developing an eGovernment Strategy and Action Plan for the Swaziland Government that is aligned to the National Development Plan and Vision 2022. The purpose of this assignment is to utilize the outcomes of scoping mission to develop a national eGovernment strategy for Swaziland.

Scope & Tasks

The consultant will design an eGovernment strategy that will address the tasks:

  • Setting the importance of e-Government in the Development of the Kingdom of Swaziland
  • Within the international, African, National and community context set out:
  • Vision
  • Mission
  • Strategic Principles
  • Strategic Thrusts
  • Look at developing a National Capacity to Enable the Implementation of e-Government
  • Establishing a national driver for the attainment of an information society and economy that seeks to create synergy with:
  • the Private Sector
  • NGOs
  • Education and higher education institutions
  • Local communities
  • Donors
  • Identify potential public - private partnership mechanisms
  • Identify key policy drivers and objectives
  • Identify Performance Indicators
  • Determine the objectives and goals for the eGovernment Strategy and underpinning policy options and architecture:
  • Establish the principles underpinning an eGovernment framework
  • Establish the principles underpinning an mGovernment framework
  • Articulate the high level architecture underpinning the e- / m-Government framework
  • Articulate the high level e-/ mGovernment Interoperability Framework
  • Articulate the policy options vis-a-vis security, authentication and ID management framework underpinning the eGovernment framework
  • Articulate the policy options with regards to a data architecture Framework
  • Articulate the policy options vis-a-vis a personalized service
  • Articulate the policy options vis-a-vis a 24*7*356 resiliency underpinning the e-Government framework
  • Articulate the policy options vis-a-vis a multiple channel management and delivery of e-Services
  • Identifying domain and responsibility owners
  • Determine the e-Government Service Delivery Channels Framework
  • Determine service domains with regards to G2C, G2G and G2B
  • Determine shared service domains
  • Determine clustering of service domains
  • Determine strategy towards the attainment of Gartner Level IV maturity over a 4 year period
  • Determine service delivery transformation and process re-engineering strategy and initiatives
  • Determine prioritization and phasing
  • Determine immediate short term gains and credibility successes
  • Mobilize Support and Manage Expectations
  • Brand the eGovernment strategy
  • Create an one eGovernment identity (no artificial barriers between authorities, agencies, public service, etc)
  • Develop an effective communications strategy and dissemination of information
  • Identify financing options to implement the eGovernment Strategy such as:
  • Donor institutions
  • Overseas Governments
  • PPP / PFI
  • Create an implementation Strategy and Next Steps
  • Develop a Change Management strategy
  • Create an Action Plan, time frames and loci of responsibility

In order to achieve the following, the Consultant will:

  • Carrying out pre-drafting consultation process and facilitate political discussion
  • Coordinate the Technology Audit and work with the assigned consultants on the review and recommendations.
  • Coordinate the e-Government Architecture Gap Assessment and Way forward and work with the assigned consultants on the review and recommendations as well as the articulation of the of the high level architecture


Deliverable should include:

  • Progress Report after every two weeks;
  • Mission report after each trip to Swaziland;
  • First Draft Report including all contents mentioned in the previous section;
  • Draft White Paper
  • Final E-government Strategy paper with all feedbacks incorporated and approved by all stakeholders

Person Specification

  • At least 5 years extensive experience developing and implementing eGovernment initiatives at the National level
  • Minimum of 10 years government executive management experience dealing with senior officials across different Ministries
  • Over 10 years’ experience successfully managing ICT projects
  • Extensive practical experience developing strategies and policies in a ICT environment
  • Excellent interpersonal and communications skills
  • Extensive experience working with International Organizations and Commonwealth countries

How to apply

Download the Terms of Reference