
Solutions Economist, Geneva

Terms of Reference
Post Title: Solutions Economist
Duty station: HQ based with frequent travel to the field
Duration of assignment: 6 months
General Background
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is mandated tolead and co-ordinate international action to protect refugees and resolve refugee problemsworldwide. Its primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees. Itstrives to ensure that everyone can exercise the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge inanother State.While UNHCR's primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of refugees, ourultimate goal is to help find durable solutions that will allow them to rebuild their lives indignity. There are three durable solutions pursued by UNHCR for 6.4 million refugees inprotracted situations: voluntary repatriation; local integration; or resettlement to a thirdcountry. While pursuing durable solutions UNHCR additionally tries to increase the self-reliance and livelihood opportunities of refugees.
Context for the Post
Over the years large investments have been made in the search for durable solutions and toincrease self-reliance of refugees. The evidence of impact, however, has been limited, withthe number of refugees in protracted situations fluctuating between 5 to 7 million for thepast five years.In order to better understand the impact of our solutions work and investments needed toachieve objectives, UNHCR would like to better understand and reflect on how decisions areand can be made using more of a cost-benefit analysis approach. For example, how do costs,associated with providing vocational training to refugees compare to investments inagricultural programs and subsequent pay-offs? Are higher per capita investmentswarranted for certain interventions, and what about high cost programs, where only a smallproportion of the population is directly benefiting? Are these higher costs offset by a largeindirect impact or could we use our resources more efficiently? Also, is it possible to comeup with a model that captures investments needed to bring service provision on a level withlocal standards?Likewise, UNHCR would like to be able to project cost implications using modeling indifferent scenarios.Due to the nature of UNHCR's work, the analysis will go beyond a traditional cost-benefitanalysis, as social impact and improvements in (non-economic) well-being of populationscannot always be easily quantified. Moreover, there are many external variables influencingUNHCR's work, which limits the ability to apportion benefits towards costs.A starting reference for the work will be data available through UNHCRs results framework(FOCUS) to understand how solutions activities are currently programmed and costed. Thework will also closely be aligned with efforts to improve monitoring and evaluation ofsolutions activities.The Solutions Economist will be part of UNHCR's Operational Solutions and TransitionSection (OSTS) at the Division of Programme Support and Management (DPSM), but she/hewill provide support to the overall work of a Solutions Steering Group within UNHCRheadquarters. DPSM/OSTS provides programming support to field operations on solutions,livelihoods, environment and renewable energy and conflict mitigation.
Under the supervision of the Chief of Section, the consultant shall undertake the followingtasks:
  • Analyze costs versus benefits (economic efficiency) of previous and currentprogramming through the FOCUS Results Framework, by using statistical methods,including regression analysis of our interventions related to solutions (incl. self-reliance and livelihood activities);
  • Undertake field visits to understand how decisions for programme interventions aremade and determine how a cost-benefit approach could be included in decisionmaking;
  • Document proven methodologies/approaches, and where possible develop amodel/tool to measure impact of future programmes;
  • Provide guidance/recommendations on obstacles and possible improvements to ourway of programming solutions, ensuring effective links and coordination with fieldoperations and stakeholders at HQ;
  • Where necessary, activities could also include preparation of economic statistics,industrial surveys, industrial planning.
Qualification (academic, experience)
  • Advanced university degree (Master's or equivalent) or PhD in applied statistics,(development) Economics, Econometrics, or related multidisciplinary field;
  • Demonstrated skills and experience with economic efficiency/cost-benefit analysisusing econometric theory and statistical analysis, preferably for assessing (social) impact of development and humanitarian programmes.
  • Demonstrated experience with analysis of large datasets and ability to cope withlimitations (e.g. incomplete or missing data) and ability to utilize relevant statisticalsoftware;
  • Conceptual and analytical capability and track record in developingtools/methodologies to ensure informed and responsible decision making;
  • Familiarity with displacement issues and transition issues such as peacebuilding andhumanitarian relief, post-conflict recovery and development is desirable;
  • Prior experience with UNHCR or another UN agency would be added advantage, butnot required;
  • Ability to build capacity of staff and partners to adapt tools;
  • Excellent drafting skills with an ability to present information in a concise, coherentand useful manner;
  • Fluency in oral and written English required, working knowledge of French or otherUN language desirable.
DurationInitially for 6 months (starting 1 January 2014) with the possibility of extension if required.
Enquiries/How to applyPlease send an email with your CV and cover letter before 1 December 2013 tosolutions@unhcr.org.