
Development of Natural Fibres Industries in Tanzania

Reference: X/CWG/0454
Location: Tanzania
Duration: Over the period November 2011 to November 2012 (part 1: 6 person weeks; part 2: 8 person weeks)
Closing Date: 14 Nov 2011

Introduction and Project Objectives

The Commonwealth Secretariat through its Special Advisory Services Division (SASD) wishes to engage Consulting Firm(s) or a team of individual Consultants to develop institutional capacities of MSME Support Organisations in Tanzania to enable them promote the use of natural fibres amongst MSMEs and in various industrial applications. The technical assistance provided will strengthen capacities of Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO), Business Development Services Providers and other collaborating partners in planning and management of programmes and provision of technical support to MSMEs, especially those utilising natural fibres.

Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO) was established by an Act of Parliament in 1973 to plan, coordinate, promote and support small industries in Tanzania. Their main activities include entrepreneurship development, technology development, extension, finance, and provision of information to small businesses.

In Tanzania, there is a general absence of knowledge related to existence and economic utilisation of natural fibres as well as the diversity of products that could be made from the various natural fibres in Tanzania. This project therefore, aims at sharing knowledge and providing technical support to MSME Support Institutions. One of the key approaches therefore will be to provide a practical demonstration of economic usage of natural fibres. The technical assistance provided should strengthen capacities of Small Industries Development Organisation (SIDO) and Business Development Services (BDS) providers to continue assisting MSMEs in natural fibres. It should also assist in establishing strong linkages between users of natural fibres and technical support institutions including SIDO, University of Dar es Salaam (Department of Textile), Tanzania Bureau of Standards and Vocational Education Training Authority.

Tanzania has a number of strengths in terms of readiness to benefit from a natural fibre project. MSMEs have been using fibres such as cotton and sisal for a long-time and have been part of the value chains. The University of Dar-es Salaam and Tanzania Bureau of Standards have departments of textiles with laboratories capable of testing fibres. Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) is also a regional centre for cotton testing in Eastern Africa. MSMEs in Tanzania are allowed to use TBS laboratory services for free as long as they have been endorsed by SIDO. In addition, a vocational training institute is running diploma courses in textile designs.

Scope of Work

The following are the tasks to be accomplished:

Part 1: Natural Fibres Audit and Compendium of Investment Opportunities

The objective of this activity is to determine the economic usage and industrial application of natural fibres found in Tanzania, and develop a natural fibres information database. The database, which will include a compendium of natural fibres investment opportunities, should provide vital information to producers, entrepreneurs, planners on natural fibres available, harvesting and processing methods, technology, products that can be made, potential markets (domestic, regional and international) and market size for such products, market requirements, and any other relevant information to support business development.

The consulting firm will be required to work with University of Dar-es salaam, Tanzania Bureau of Standards and other local institutions that will eventually manage the information/database and be responsible for information dissemination and promotion of the opportunities.

The specific Terms of Reference will be as follows:

  • In collaboration with local institutions, undertake technical audit/evaluation of natural fibres existing in Tanzania to determine their economic usage and industrial applications;
  • In collaboration with the University of Dar-es-Salaam and Tanzania Bureau of Standards, collect and test natural fibres samples for potential industrial applications;
  • Develop natural fibre testing procedures and protocols and provide training to University of Dar- es- Salaam and Tanzania Bureau of Standards on natural fibre testing;
  • Develop a strategy for the development of natural fibres industry, which should include potential natural fibre clusters (mainly for MSMEs) and industrial applications;
  • Present findings, including the strategy, natural fibres database and investment compendium at stakeholders’ workshop; and
  • Organise an exhibition for various natural fibres composites at a natural fibres exhibition to be organised as part of this project in Dar es Salaam.

Key Deliverables

  • Natural Fibre Database and compendium of investment opportunities
  • Strategy report
  • Natural Fibre testing procedures and protocols

Time Frame

This activity will require a maximum of 6 person weeks (30 person days) and the presentation of the findings should be completed by no later than 30 December 2012.

Part 2: Training of Trainers, Production of samples and Demonstration Centre

The following are the specific tasks:

  • Working with existing business development service providers and group facilitators in Tanzania, design and deliver a natural fibres’ training of trainers capacity building programme in product design and development;
  • Assist and supervise the trained business development service providers in providing training to entrepreneurs/groups, utilising a few selected natural fibres to produce samples as a way of moving the group up the value chain and expanding markets for their products;
  • Provide assistance to SIDO in setting up a Natural Fibre training, product development and demonstration centre and develop a strategy for its effective utilization;
  • Organise an exhibition for various natural fibres products developed as part of the training.


The main outputs under this component will include:

  • Trained BDS providers in product design and development
  • Sample Natural Fibre products
  • Strategy and plan for the effective utilisation of SIDO Natural Fibre training and product development/demonstration centre

Time Frame

The time duration for this component of the project is a maximum period of 8 person weeks (40 person days) and should be completed by no later than 30 December 2012.


Budget for this consultancy as provided above (in the summary box) is at an all inclusive amount and includes professional fees, international air travel, subsistence allowance, incidental expenses and other consultant’s project related costs. The budget however does not include local workshop training costs which will be borne by the Commonwealth Secretariat.

Minimum Qualifications

Firms registered in any Commonwealth member country and/or individual consultants who are nationals of Commonwealth member countries should possess the following:

  • At least 10 years’ experience advising governments and non government bodies in development of MSME strategies, business development services and network development;
  • Experience and very good working technical knowledge in natural fibres and industrial applications;
  • Experience and good working knowledge in development of MSME programmes promoting use of natural fibres especially in rural areas;
  • Experience in training of trainers in product design and development for natural fibre products.

Download the Terms of Reference