
Population Census and Survey Data Processing Specialist/Programmer


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The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) is an international
organisation that provides technical and policy advice and assistance,
training and research services to its Pacific Island members. SPC works in
a wide range of sectors with the aim of achieving three development
outcomes – sustainable economic development, sustainable natural resource
management and development, and sustainable human and social development.***

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SPC was established in 1947. It has 26 member countries and territories and
its working languages are English and French. SPC’s headquarters are in
Noumea, New Caledonia. It has regional offices in Suva, Fiji, and Pohnpei,
Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), and country offices in Honiara,
Solomon Islands and Port Vila, Vanuatu. Additional information on SPC can
be found on its website: www.spc.int.****

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The strategic goal of the Statistics for Development Programme (SDP) is to
‘strengthen the capacity of national statistical systems (NSS) and social
and economic planning agencies to ensure the region’s policy-makers and
analysts have access to a wide range of key demographic, economic and
social indicators to support evidence-based decision making’.****

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To achieve this goal, SDP’s 2011–2014 strategic plan, addressing Phase 1 of
the regional Ten Year Pacific Statistics Strategy, 2011–2020, focuses on
six strategic objectives and 20 associated outputs (in parentheses):****

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1. Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs) are undertaking key
statistical collections as scheduled (4).****

2. PICTS are producing the agreed core set of statistics across key sectors

3. PICTS have their own capacity or are accessing regional capacity to
undertake agreed core and some specialist statistical functions (5).****

4. Pacific national and regional statistics are accessible and are being
utilized (2).****

5. New and innovative statistical tools and systems have been introduced

6. National and regional statistics governance is functioning effectively

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There are currently 15 positions in SDP: a Programme Manager, 12
professional staff, and two support staff. From time to time, consultants,
and temporary and part-time staff are employed, depending on
programmeneeds and funding availability. In close liaison with SDP
economic and social statistics subject matter specialists, this position
will complement an existing Population Census and Survey Data Processing
Specialist/Programmer, to allow the programme to effectively respond to a
growing workload with upcoming household surveys and processing of
administrative records, particularly relating to births, deaths and

More can be learned about SDP through the website www.spc.int/sdp.****

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The Population Census and Survey Data Processing Specialist/Programmer will
be responsible to the Manager, Statistics for Development Programme.****

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The main duties of this position are to (i) provide advice and assistance
to member countries in the design and development of census and household
data processing systems, (ii) train national staff in the use of these
systems, and (iii) undertake CSPro programming tasks required for specific
tabulation outputs (production of standard DHS [demographic and health
survey] master tables, for example). The nature of these tasks involves
frequent travel to countries undertaking censuses or household surveys,
primarily in, but not restricted to, the northern Pacific.****

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Specific duties include the following:****

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• Provide technical advice and assistance to member countries in the design
and development of population census and household survey data processing
systems, with an emphasis on using CSPro.****

• In close collaboration with another Population Census and Survey Data
Processing Specialist/Programmer, this specialist will:****

o assist national population census and household survey data processing
counterparts in developing data processing applications, guidelines and
quality assurance systems, including batch edit applications based on
detailed edit specifications developed in collaboration with subject matter
specialists; o develop training materials and documentation, and provide
in-country training to national staff in census and survey data processing
and other relevant technical skills; and o develop census and survey
tabulation applications based on master tabulation plans developed by
subject matter specialists in collaboration with data users, and assist
national census data processing counterparts with the efficient processing
of these outputs.****

• Assume responsibility for advanced CSPro programming activities where
required, such as recoding or computing new variables based on original
variables from unit record datasets for the production of standard DHS
master tables (as per MACRO International programming standards).****

• Provide technical backstopping in data processing to other SDP
professional staff as required by SDP Manager.****

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? Tertiary qualifications in statistics, computer science or related field,
or a minimum of 10 years of demonstrated experience in population census
and household survey data processing; ? Demonstrated knowledge of
CSProsystems, including advanced programming skills;
? Demonstrated experience in processing DHS and HIES surveys; ? At least 8
years of experience in developing and maintaining comprehensive population
census and survey database systems; ? Demonstrated experience with
Microsoft Access; ? Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
?Good knowledge of population and demographic statistics;
? Ability to work and willingness to travel in a multicultural and
multilingual environment.****

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? Demonstrated work experience with censuses and household surveys in a
developing country environment, preferably in the Pacific Island region.****

? French language skills.****

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The position is in Band 11 of SPC's salary scale.****

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Salaries for staff recruited internationally are set in SDR (Special
Drawing Rights) and paid in the local currency (e.g. the French Pacific
Franc, XPF, in New Caledonia). As per SPC’s 2011 salary scale, the salary
range for this band is SDR 3,589–5,182 per month. At prevailing exchange
rates, these amounts convert to approximately XPF 490,257–707,861 per month
(USD 5,600–8,200 / EUR 4,100–5900).****

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An offer of appointment for an initial contract will be made in the lower
half of this range, with due consideration being given to experience and

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The organisation subsidises housing. An SPC-owned or SPC-rented house or
flat will be made available, with the staff member contributing 25 per cent
of the normal rental.****

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In addition, an establishment grant is payable to non-residents of New
Caledonia. Where appropriate, other allowances, such as an education
allowance, may be payable.****

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SPC salaries are not subject to income tax in New Caledonia at the present

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Appointments will be for a period of three years, subject to a six month
probationary period, with the possibility of renewal for a further three
years, subject to performance and continued funding availability.****

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Noumea, New Caledonia.****

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Annual leave will accrue at the rate of 25 working days per annum. For
expatriate staff members, home leave fares are payable after 18 months of
service. ****

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Sick leave is 30 working days per annum.****

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SPC’s Staff Medical Insurance reimburses doctors’ fees, cost of prescribed
medicines, surgical and hospital costs, etc. up to certain percentages and
limits. Supplementary medical insurance is available to increase these
percentage reimbursements and limits.****

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For an appointee recruited outside New Caledonia, the cost of air fares by
the most direct and / or economic route for the appointee and
recogniseddependants, and reasonable removal expenses by sea of
personal and
household effects, will be met by SPC on appointment and termination.****

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The appointee will be eligible for membership in SPC's Staff Provident
Fund. Staff members contribute 8 per cent of base salary, to which SPC adds
a matching contribution.****

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SPC has a standardised computing environment based on Microsoft Office
running under Microsoft Windows.****

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Smoking is not permitted in the workplace.****

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SPC is an equal-opportunity employer. Recruitment is based on merit. If two
short-listed candidates are judged to be equally qualified, preference will
be given to Pacific Island nationals.****

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The closing date for applications is 30 November 2011.****

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Applicants are asked to use SPC’s online recruitment system by following
the link http://www.spc.int/job.html.****

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Applicants who cannot access the online recruitment system may send their
documents to: Director-General, Secretariat of the Pacific Community, P.O.
Box D5, 98848 NOUMEA CEDEX, New Caledonia or submit them by fax (+687 26 38
18) or email (spc@spc.int, preferably as an electronic attachment in
Microsoft Word format).****

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Applicants should provide their curriculum vitae and address the selection
criteria for the position in their covering letter. They should also
provide names and contact details of three referees.**