Mine Action Advisor UNDP
Cambodia remains one of the countries in the world most affected by landmines and UXOs. The 2010-2019 National Mine Action Strategy (NMAS) aims to significantly address Cambodia’s remaining mine and ERW problem. As part of its request for a ten year extension of its Article 5 deadline under the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Treaty (APMBT), the RGC has estimated that some 646 square kilometers of land remain suspected or contaminated by landmines.
The RGC has requested continued donor assistance for this purpose, including support for the implementation of UNDP’s Clearing for Results Phase II project (2011-2015). The project falls under UNDP’s 2011-2015 Country Programme Action Plan whereby Clearing for Results is expected to contribute to the strengthening of national structures and mechanisms to develop a more diversified, sustainable and equitable economy by ensuring that demining resources are effectively allocated promoting the release of land for productive use.
Clearing for Results Phase II (2011-2015) is a multi-donor project implemented by the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance (CMAA) with technical and financial support from UNDP and other donors. It builds on the successful implementation of the first phase of the project (Clearing for Results, 2006-2010) during which considerable gains were achieved in building CMAA’s capacities in the areas of quality assurance, strategic and policy formulation as well as the socio-economic management of mine clearance. The CMAA however recognized that given the task ahead, more support is required to ensure that land is being cleared from the landmine threat in an effective and cost-efficient manner. To that extent, the CMAA is formulating a capacity development plan to equip the organization and its staff with the skills, tools and processes to deliver on CMAA’s mandate and to achieve the goals of the NMAS. In November 2011, the CMAA is expecting to host and preside over the 11th Meeting of States Parties of the APMBT, an event that is expected to draw major attention to the scope of the remaining challenge in Cambodia.
The project is articulated around three key deliverables as follow:
Empower the CMAA to formulate policies and strategies that ensure resources are effectively allocated onto national priorities and maximize the land available for local development;
Equip the CMAA with the technical and functional capacities required to manage the sector within an evolving environment
Support mine clearance activities that promote cost-effectiveness, accountability and transparency. Demining contracts are to be allocated by the CMAA by using competitive procurement mechanisms.
A CMAA Project Team will manage the project with advisory and capacity development support from a UNDP Advisory Team.
UNDP Cambodia is seeking an International Adviser to lead the UNDP Advisory Team at CMAA and to provide advice, assistance and capacity development support to the CMAA in implementing the project.
The Adviser will lead the UNDP advisory team and be responsible for the overall UNDP support to the CMAA in the implementation of the project. The Adviser will work under direct supervision of the Deputy Country Director Programme and the day to day facilitation and coordination of the UNDP Assistant Country Director for the Poverty Reduction Cluster S/he will work in close partnership with the CMAA Secretary General and staff, and report on UNDP’s assistance to the project board on a quarterly basis.
The RGC has requested continued donor assistance for this purpose, including support for the implementation of UNDP’s Clearing for Results Phase II project (2011-2015). The project falls under UNDP’s 2011-2015 Country Programme Action Plan whereby Clearing for Results is expected to contribute to the strengthening of national structures and mechanisms to develop a more diversified, sustainable and equitable economy by ensuring that demining resources are effectively allocated promoting the release of land for productive use.
Clearing for Results Phase II (2011-2015) is a multi-donor project implemented by the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance (CMAA) with technical and financial support from UNDP and other donors. It builds on the successful implementation of the first phase of the project (Clearing for Results, 2006-2010) during which considerable gains were achieved in building CMAA’s capacities in the areas of quality assurance, strategic and policy formulation as well as the socio-economic management of mine clearance. The CMAA however recognized that given the task ahead, more support is required to ensure that land is being cleared from the landmine threat in an effective and cost-efficient manner. To that extent, the CMAA is formulating a capacity development plan to equip the organization and its staff with the skills, tools and processes to deliver on CMAA’s mandate and to achieve the goals of the NMAS. In November 2011, the CMAA is expecting to host and preside over the 11th Meeting of States Parties of the APMBT, an event that is expected to draw major attention to the scope of the remaining challenge in Cambodia.
The project is articulated around three key deliverables as follow:
Empower the CMAA to formulate policies and strategies that ensure resources are effectively allocated onto national priorities and maximize the land available for local development;
Equip the CMAA with the technical and functional capacities required to manage the sector within an evolving environment
Support mine clearance activities that promote cost-effectiveness, accountability and transparency. Demining contracts are to be allocated by the CMAA by using competitive procurement mechanisms.
A CMAA Project Team will manage the project with advisory and capacity development support from a UNDP Advisory Team.
UNDP Cambodia is seeking an International Adviser to lead the UNDP Advisory Team at CMAA and to provide advice, assistance and capacity development support to the CMAA in implementing the project.
The Adviser will lead the UNDP advisory team and be responsible for the overall UNDP support to the CMAA in the implementation of the project. The Adviser will work under direct supervision of the Deputy Country Director Programme and the day to day facilitation and coordination of the UNDP Assistant Country Director for the Poverty Reduction Cluster S/he will work in close partnership with the CMAA Secretary General and staff, and report on UNDP’s assistance to the project board on a quarterly basis.
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