
Advocacy and Programme Leader - Environmental Governance

Global Witness investigates and campaigns to end natural resource-related conflict and corruption and associated environmental and human rights abuses. For 17 years, we have led pioneering international campaigns to create a growing international awareness of the links between poor governance, exploitation of natural resources and environmental degradation, and human rights abuse. Our powerful advocacy work has been a driver behind major international mechanisms and initiatives established to address these issues.

For further information on the role:

For further information please click on the attached Application Pack, which contains:

•Information about Global Witness

•Information about Campaigning at Global Witness

•Job description and person specification

•Abbreviated terms and conditions

To Apply:

To apply, please send a covering letter together with a CV of maximum 2 pages in length to RecruitmentCampaigns@globalwitness.org to reach us no later than Friday 6th January 2012 at 17:00 hours.

6th January 2012