
Energy/Community Development Gender Analyst, Independent Monitoring and Evaluation Contract, Pakistan

Project Summary

In June 2011, MSI was awarded the Independent Monitoring and Evaluation Contract (IMEC). Under IMEC, MSI will support verification, monitoring, evaluation, and reporting for USAID/Pakistan’s entire portfolio of projects. The goal is to assess whether USAID resources are well-spent and achieving desired results and to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse in the administration of programs, regardless of the implementation mechanism.

Position Summary

The Energy/Community Development Gender Analyst will be part of a four-person IMEC team to conduct a gender analysis of USAID’s energy program. Anecdotally, Pakistani men are more engaged in the planning and implementation of energy projects, and disproportionately benefit from the use, availability, consumption and employment in the energy sector. The analysis will attempt to address these disparities. The analysis will collect and analyze information on gender related inequalities and disparities in various regions of Pakistan in order to help inform current and future program development to achieve more equitable development outcomes within the context of the energy sector. Data collection for this field analysis will be done primarily through field visits/interviews/focus groups of those who implement and benefit from energy interventions and desk review of existing documents.

** Please note that this position is based in Pakistan. Only local citizens are eligible to apply.**


The team will:

• Review and summarize key gender issues; the analysis should clearly delineate male and female access, usage, consumption, and employment within the energy sector.

• Review and analyze the energy regulatory climate in Pakistan, with a focus on how such regulatory reform will directly impact men and women.

• Review and analyze existing and planned USAID interventions in the energy sector. This should include recommendations to ensure that existing and planned programs provide equitable benefit to both men and women.

• Develop mission wide recommendations for the following

• How existing and planned energy interventions can partner with activities in other sectors to ensure a holistic approach to development and a complimentary use of financial resources.

• How USAID/Pakistan is to approach gender consideration in energy based on the context of Pakistan.

• What specific types of programmatic interventions are needed for women in energy and how to effectively integrate such mechanisms.

• How the Government of Pakistan can provide cross-gender services to address access to energy sources, usage, consumption, and employment.

• How the regulatory reform process can be shaped within USAID interventions to ensure that those reforms are completed in a manner that provides equitable benefit to both genders

• How USAID shall ensure that its staff and implementing partners incorporate gender considerations throughout all energy interventions in a manner consistent with requirements of the ADS and sound development principles

• How USAID/Pakistan shall hold its staff and implementing partners accountable for failure to incorporate gender considerations throughout its programming

• How men and women throughout the country shall be consulted on energy intervention (both planned and current)

• How USAID/Pakistan shall liaise with the Government of Pakistan on this issue.

• Examine how USAID’s energy interventions have utilized the recommendations of the July 2010 Gender Analysis on the Energy Efficiency and Capacity Project.

• Prepare an interim report, with concrete recommendations, to be delivered via Power Point for the USAID/Pakistan Senior Staff and Gender Specialist

• Contribute to a gender analysis, of a maximum 30 pages, excluding executive summary, annexes, and relevant supporting documentation.

• This assignment will require visits to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, F.A.T.A., and other regions within the country including but not limited to Peshawar

• This assignment will last approximately 30 days, based on a 6-day work week in Pakistan, and not to exceed five working weeks.

• Expected timing of the assignment is early February through mid March, 2011.


• At least 10 years experience relating directly to gender, energy and community development.

• Previous experience in conducting gender analyses, and in analysis of the roles of men and women in energy usage and community development.

• Experience in monitoring and evaluation, and familiarity with USAID policies, procedures, and practices.

• Ability to work with and contribute to a team.

Only candidates who have been selected for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please.

To apply, please visit our website: http://www.msiworldwide.com