
Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho Private Sector Competitiveness Project

Private Sectorcompetitiveness Project 

TITLE : GPN: Private Sector Competitiveness Project 

NOTICE : Project ID: P088544

The Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho has received a PHRD grant funding from the Government of Japan in the amount equivalent to US$ 980,000 to finance the preparation of the Private Sector Competitiveness Project. The proceeds of thisgrant will be used for payments of goods, works, related services andconsulting services to be procured to prepare this project. Theproject objectives are to assist the Kingdom of Lesotho in increasing private sector participation in the economy by increasing its productivity and competitiveness, and hence its ability to compete through improving the business environment and reducing the costs of doing business; strengthening the linkages with the regional economy; strengthening institutional support for employable skillsand business management; and improving productivity at the firm level. The project currently includes the following components:

Component One - Improving the Business Environment through Reducing Costs of Doing Business and Strengthening Legal Framework

Component Two -Supporting Economic Diversification through Development of Skills, Institutions and Market Linkages

Component Three - Improving MSMEs' Access to Finance

The procurement of Consulting Services under the grant will be in accordance with the World Bank's "Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, May 2004". The following contracts for individual consultants will be procured:

(a) Review and redesign of the Company Law and enabling regulations;

(b) Preparation of detailed implementation plans for the company registration reforms;

(c) Review and redesign of the legislation governing industrial and trade licensing (Pioneer Industries Act, Industrial Licensing Act and Trade Licensing Act);

(d) Preparation of detailed implementation plans for licensing reform;

(e) Examination of the current licensing regimes and procedures in horticulture;

(f) Examination of the current licensing regimes and procedures in tourism; 

(g) Establishing a legal framework for issuing concessions for tourism development;

(h) Assessment and preparation of implementation plans for improving Border Management Services in Lesotho (streamlining visa and other admissionservices);

(i) Assessment and preparation of implementation plans for improving Lesotho Immigration and Passport adjudication and admission services; 

(j) Examination of the current legal framework, enabling documents, procedures and practices pertaining to immigration and passport services; 

(k) Developing a design for a Matching Grant Scheme (MGS) to support private firms, business membership organizations and public-private consultative mechanismin Lesotho;

(l) Establishing a Council of Tourism as part of a broader strategy for growing tourism in Lesotho; 

(m) Researching markets for Lesotho's tourism products as part of a broader strategy for growing tourism in Lesotho;

(n) Analysis of thefinancial viability of the diversification strategy for garment industry in Lesotho;

(o) Environmental evaluation of establishing a laundering facility and a fabric mill in Lesotho;

(p) Project management and design to develop of a business plan for two horticulture pilot projects;

(q) Public relations and promotion to develop a public relations and awareness package;

(r) Design ofthe leasing framework; 

(s) Designingof an implementation plan for a credit guarantee scheme for LNDC partnering with the commercial banks; 

(t) Need assessment for assistance in setting-up the commercial court; 

(u) Assistance to the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Cooperatives and Marketing with thepreparation of the Private Sector Competitiveness Project; and

(v) Developing project implementation arrangements and supporting documents for the Private Sector Competitiveness Project in Lesotho.

The following contracts for consultancy firms will be procured:

(a) Design of an Industry-led Skills Development Program to support Diversification of the Textile Industry in Lesotho.

Design of an Industry-led Skills Development Program to support Diversification of the Textile Industry in Lesotho. 

Interested individual consultants who wish to be included on the mailinglist to receive detailed terms of reference, or those requiring further/additional information may contact:

Mr. Chaba Mokuku
Project Coordinator
Ministry of Tourism
7th Floor Post Office Building
P.O. Box7271
Maseru 100, Lesotho
Tel: (++266) 2231 2662
Fax: (++266) 2231 2725
E-mail: cmokuku@maloti.org.ls