
PhD position within improvement of floor laminates – “Elephant floor”

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim represents academic eminence in technology and the natural sciences as well as in other academic disciplines ranging from the social sciences, the arts, medicine, teacher education, architecture to fine art. Cross-disciplinary cooperation results in innovative breakthroughs and creative solutions with far-reaching social and economic impact.
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology
Department of Materials Science and Engineering

PhD position within improvement of floor laminates – “Elephant floor”

A PhD position is available at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at NTNU in cooperation with Paper and Fibre Research Institute (PFI) and BerryAlloc, provided that the financing will go through. The postion is for years.

The work topics are improvement of top layer of existing laminate floors. This will be done by studying the base content and additives in the top coating, and replace these with others of better properties in accordance with the requirements and the goals of the project. This includes improvement of the ceramic particles used today, especially, and investigation of other possible ceramic compositions that can be used instead. Hence, the scratch resistance will be improved and the main goal is to double today’s value. These improved floors are hence named “Elephant floor”. The candidate will be in a group of other PhD-students, MSc-students and post doc’s working on related topics. In addition, the research will be performed in close relationship to both PFI and BerryAlloc. The residence will be in Trondheim, Norway, but periods will be spent at the BerryAlloc-factory in Lyngdal.

The applicant must have an MSc (or equivalent) in ceramic materials engineering, relevant materials science, inorganic or polymer chemistry, paper research or similar. Knowledge to ceramic materials and properties is an advantage.
The successful candidate should be creative, with a strong ability to work problem oriented. He/she should also enjoy interdisciplinary research and take keen interest in learning and working in teams.

The regulations for PhD programs at NTNU state that a Master degree or equivalent with at least 5 years of studies and an average grade of A or B within a scale of A-E for passing grades (A best) for the two last years of the MSc is required and C or higher of the BSc. Candidates from universities outside Norway are kindly requested to send a Diploma Supplement or a similar document, which describes in detail the study and grade system and the rights for further studies associated with the obtained degree:http://ec.europa.eu/educatiaon/policies/rec_qual/recognition/diploma_en.html

The appointment of the PhD fellows will be made according to Norwegian guidelines for universities and university colleges and to the general regulations regarding university employees. Applicants must agree to participate in organized doctoral study programs within the period of the appointment and have to be qualified for the PhD-study. A contract will be drawn up regarding the period of appointment and work-related duties.

All applicants must be able to communicate fluently in English (in speaking and writing). Applicants must indicate their level of language skills in English and Norwegian/Scandinavian language.

PhD scholarship recipients are employed for three years in the position. The appointment will be made according to the general regulations regarding university employees. The start salary for the PhD research fellow is set at level 50, NOK 420 800 (before tax) in the Norwegian state salary scale. 2% of the salary will be deducted at source as a mandatory premium to the Norwegian State Pension Fund.

Further information regarding the position can be obtained by contacting Associate Professor Hilde Lea Lein (NTNU), e-mail: hilde.lea.lein@ntnu.no, R&D Manager Leif Kåre Hindersland (BerryAlloc), e-mail: leif.kare.hindersland@berryalloc.com or Dr. ing Gary Chinga Carrasco (PFI), e-mail: gary.chinga.carrasco@pfi.no.

Further information about the Department can be found athttp://www.ntnu.no/materialteknologi/english

Applications with CV, certificates from both Bachelor and Master, possible publications and other scientific works, certified copies of transcripts, (certified copies of documentation on English language proficiency (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS, etc.) ) and reference letters should be submitted electronically through link at this page.

Applications must be submitted electronically through this page.
Applications submitted elsewhere will not be considered. 

The reference number of the position is NT-79/13.

Application deadline is November 12, 2013.