BEING UNEMPLOYED SUCKS. WANTING TO WORK and not being able to find a job is insanely stressful, and not having any money is just the worst. The last time I didn’t have a job, I would fantasize about just getting up and moving to someplace tropical. But then I’d think: I don’t have the money to do that. And then, when I get there, I’d still need to find a job.
Hawaii’s providing a pretty sweet solution to people in that same situation. Because they’re trying to get unemployed people with college degrees to come move to Hawaii so they can work teaching jobs, no teaching certificate or experience required. The reason is that Hawaii at the end of this school year, around 1600 Hawaiian teachers are going to be retiring. That’s a pretty huge gap for the Hawaiian school system to absorb, so Hawaii has opened the positions up to people who have a college education but relatively little background in education itself.
They’re seeking out mainland teachers to move to the island, and anyone can apply. They need math, English, and special ed teachers the most, but all positions are available. The average pay for a Hawaiian teacher is $54,000 a year. They’ve been offering financial incentives to try and retain teachers from the mainland. Hawaii has been sending teams to teachers in major US cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and Portland to try and recruit people to abandon the city and make their way out to the islands to teach.
It seems like a pretty sick deal, to be honest: you get to mold the leaders of tomorrow, and, in your off time, hang out in one of the most exquisitely beautiful places on earth. Maybe you take up surfing, maybe you take up diving, or maybe you just spend all of your time on the beach. Hawaii does have a relatively high cost of living, and the state has struggled with turnover from mainland teachers who have been placed in rural areas (which is more likely for first-time teachers). But it’s better than unemployment, and it’s a way to make money while living the island life. 

h/t: US News
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