
expert on conducting an analysis of the regulatory documents related with National Development/Poverty reduction Strategies

Tajikistan Description of Assignment: International expert on conducting an analysis of the regulatory documents related with National Development/Poverty reduction Strategies Project name: Strengthening NDS/PRS Implementation Management and its M&E Period of assignment/services: Part-time 2011-2012: November-December 2011: two weeks; January-March 2011: two weeks Type: International Post
How to apply:

Instruction for submission of applications: Please fill out an Application form for IC positions posted on www.undp.tj by following the job vacancies link from this webpage. Please note that no other type of application form will be considered for such positions, other than the one found at the link specified above.

Financial Proposal should be submitted by email to procurement.tj@undp.org no later than November 15, 2011. Any request for clarification must be sent by standard electronic communication, indicating Post Title in subject Line, to the address procurement.tj@undp.org. UNDP Tajikistan will respond by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.