GENERAL PROCURMENT NOTICE (GPN) Republic of Azerbaijan Support to the National Water Supply & Sanitation Program in six (6) regions AZE0040 The Republic of Azerbaijan has received an Istisna’a financing from the Islamic Development Bank to finance the Support to the National Water Supply & Sanitation Program in six (6) regions. The main objective of this project is to improve the well being of population by satisfying water demands and basic sanitation needs in the 6 regions of Astara, Dashkasen, Gadabey, Gazakh, Samukh and Tartar. This shall be achieved by the construction of new water and wastewater treatment plants and the installation of new water distribution networks and sewerage collection systems until the horizon of 2030. This project will contribute to provide access to clean and safe drinking water and sewerage connections for the 320,267 inhabitants (including refugees and Internally Displaced People) of those six regions, at an affordable price which will have significant social and financial impacts on those populations and local economies. The project includes the following components: 1- New water transmission mains with various diameters and lengths in six regions; 2- New water distribution network with various diameters and lengths in six regions; 3- New Water Treatment Plants in six regions; 4- New Sewerage Collection Systems with various diameters and lengths in six regions; 5- New Wastewater Plants (Extended Aeration Activated Sludge) in six regions; and 6- Various other Civil Works in 6 regions.
Procurement of Goods and Works will be in accordance with the Guidelines for Procurement of Goods and Works under the Islamic Development Bank Financing (May 2009). Acquisition of the services of the consultants will follow the guidelines for the use of Consultants under the Islamic Development Bank Financing ( May 2009). Procurement of Goods: Procurement of (Goods) will be done by Open ICB and ICB/MC depending to work packages. Procurement of Works: Procurement of (Works) will be done by Open ICB and ICB/MC depending to work packages. Selection of Consultant: Consultancy service for Review and Approval of the Detailed Design & Supervision of Construction Works will be procured by competitive bidding process using QCBS among the short-listed IDB member countries consultants. Interested bidders may obtain further information, and should confirm their interest in writing by contacting. Mr. Madar Guliyev, Head of International Projects’ Provision Unit Azersu JSC, 67 Moscow Avenue, AZ1012 Baku, Azerbaijan Telephone: + 994 12 530 4344 Facsimile: + 994 12 430 2911 E-mail:
Notice: Potential tender desiring additional information on the procurement in question or the project in general should, unless indicated otherwise, contact the project agency and not the IDB.
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