
Muhimbili National Hospital Jobs May 2013




1.1         Reports to:   Head of Firm

1.2         Duties and Responsibilities

·        To participate in the planning and implementation of quality improvement strategies.
·        To coordinate preparation of department budget input.
·        To review inputs for, and coordinate preparation of periodical reports.

·        To carry out operational and investigative research and issue reports accordingly.

·        To review conditions of hospitalized staff and advise on appropriate medication.
·        To supervise patients’ case presentation and participate in training other staff.
·        To plan and carry out research.
·        To attend to IPPM Clinics.

·        To set performance targets for all staff in the unit and ensure that all staff have elaborate job plans.
·        To supervise, appraise staff and identify development and training needs.
·        To perform any other duty assigned from time to time by the supervisor.

1.3         Required Qualifications

·        Holder of three or more years Postgraduate Degree (M.Med/M.Dent.) in one of the medical fields.
·        Must be registered with the Medical Council of Tanganyika

·        Mmust have worked as a specialist Medical Doctor for not less than three years

·        Must have published not less than two research papers in their areas of specialization in the last six years, one of which he must be the principal author.

·        Must be computer literate


Cardiac   Anesthesiologists
– 6
Surgeons - Training
Cardiothoracic Surgery Trainees
- 6
Cardiac Surgeons(Adults /Paediatric
- 8
Vascular Surgeons
Paeditricians –Training
Physicians –Training
Paediatric Cardiologist (Trainees )
Adult Cardiologists
- 2
Other specialties

- 9
2.1         Reports to:   Head of Firm

2.2         Duties and Responsibilities

·        To provide routine specialized medical services for in-patients and out patients in their areas of specialization.

·        To participate in the training of student doctors in their areas of specialization.

·        To plan, supervise and evaluate medical services offered in their respective fields.
·        To prepare periodic reports regarding medical services

·        To carry out research in the medical field and publish results for use by other experts.

·        To supervise junior medical doctors and give them needed technical advice in their respective areas of specialization.

·        To plan and supervise outreach programmes in their areas of specialization.

·        To carry out any other duties as assigned from time to time by their supervisors.

2.3         Required Qualifications

Holder of Doctor of Medicine degree with three or more years Masters Degree in one of the medical fields.

Must be registered with the Medical Council of Tanganyika.


Adult cardiology
- 4 positions

Paediatric Cardiology
- 4 positions

Cardiothoracic&Vascular Surgery
- 4 positions

Cardiac Anaethesiology
- 4 positions

Other clinical areas
- 69 positions
3.1.        Reports to: Head of Firm

3.2.        Duties and Responsibilities

3.3      Required Qualifications and Experience

·        Holder of Doctor of Medicine Degree from any recognized University/institution

·        Must have successful completed one year Internship programme and registered with the Medical Council of Tanganyika.

·        Must have at least three years work experience in a District or Regional Hospitals.
·        Must be computer literate with experience to health records.


·   Clinical Cardiovascular Pharmacists        (4 Positions)
·   Other Areas (3 Positions)

4.1         Reports to: Head of Unit

4.2         Duties and Responsibilities

·        To supervise dispensing of medicine as per doctor’s prescriptions.
·        To supervise making of extemporaneous preparations (compounding).
·        To organize preparation of sterile and non-sterile pharmaceuticals.
·        To provide drug information to both patients and health care personnel.

·        To provide ward pharmacy services i-e. In-patients prescription monitoring, therapeutic drug monitoring etc.
·        To supervise, appraise staff and identify development and training needs.
·        To perform any other duties as assigned by supervisor from time to time.

4.3         Required Qualifications

·        Holder of Degree in Pharmacy or equivalent qualification who has completed internship

·        Must have completed a one year internship programme and registered by the Pharmacy Council.
·        Computer literacy is essential

·        Masters in Clinical Chemistry will be an added advantage


5.1         Reports to:   Ward/Unit In-charge

5.2         Duties and Responsibilities

§  To provide care to patients following nursing process

§  To supervise practical sessions for nursing students.

§  To assist in maintaining stocks/stores at adequate levels, being mindful of the need for economy and good house-keeping.

§  To assist with supervision and assessment of junior staff i.e. Student Nurses, Enrolled nurse

§  To perform any other duties as assigned by superiors from time to time.

5.3         Required Qualifications

§  Holder of B.Sc. Degree in Nursing or its equivalent from a recognized institution plus successful completion of Internship.

§  Must be registered with Tanzania Nurses and Midwives Council, with work experience of at least nine years.

§  Must be computer literate  with experience to health records


6.2         Reports to:   Ward/Unit In-charge

6.3         Duties and Responsibilities

§  To provide care to patients following nursing process

§  To prepare work plans for nursing services.

§  To prepare patients care reports.

§  To co-ordinate all nursing services in his/her area.

§  To deliver quality nursing services to patients and assist subordinate staffs to deliver same using appropriate nursing process.

§  To perform any other duties as assigned by superiors from time to time.

6.4       Required Qualifications

§  Holder B.Sc. Degree in Nursing or its equivalent from a recognized institution plus successful completion of Internship.

§  Must be registered with Tanzania Nurses and Midwives Council, with work experience of at least six years.

§  Must have a valid license to practice
§  Computer literacy is essential


7.1         Reports to:   Ward/Unit In-charge

7.2         Duties and Responsibilities

·        To provide care to patients following nursing process

·        To supervise and manage ward stores.

·        To prepare drug requisitions.

·        To collect relevant health statistics

·        To order, supplies for the wards and ensure safe custody.

·        To organize and co-ordinate the provision of nursing and maternal health services.

·        To offer technical advice to intern students and subordinate nurses.

·        To perform any other duties as assigned by superiors from time to time.

7.3         Required Qualifications

·         Holder B.Sc. Degree in Nursing or its equivalent from a recognized institution plus successful completion of Internship

·         Must be registered with Tanzania Nurses and Midwives Council, with work experience of at least three years.
·         Computer literacy is essential


8.1         Reports to:   Ward/Unit In-charge

8.2         Duties and Responsibilities

·        To provide care to patients following nursing process
·        To provide high quality nursing care using appropriate nursing process.

·        To assess patient’s condition, plan, implement, document, and evaluate individualized Nursing care using appropriate nursing model in accordance with the hospital nursing policy.

·        To ensure all drugs and other treatments are given to the patients as prescribed and observe any adverse condition.

·        To maintain a professional friendly atmosphere and create a dignified environment.

·        To follow hospital policy in respect of custody and administration of all drugs, with special observation to DDA drugs.

·        To maintain personal contact with patients, their relatives and visitors to enhance the patient’s quality of life, dignity and the good standing of the hospital.

·        To ensure the safe care and custody of patients property in accordance with the hospital policy.

·        Report any accident/incident, loss or theft to the Senior Nursing Officer and complete necessary statements promptly.

·        To maintain health and safety at work by ensuring that infection prevention and control principles are followed.
·        To perform any other duties as assigned by superiors from time to time.

8.3         Required Qualifications

·        Holder of B.Sc. Degree in Nursing or its equivalent from a recognized institution plus successful completion of Internship.
·        Must be registered with Tanzania Nurses and Midwives Council.
·        Must have a valid license to practice.
·        Must be computer literate

9 .1      Reports to:   Unit/Ward In-charge

9.2         Duties and Responsibilities

·         To provide nursing care to patients.

·         To attend to MCH anti-natal services.


and administering medicines.

·         To report on serious patients who need emergency attention.

·         To do any other duties as may be assigned by Supervisor.

9.4         Required Qualifications

·        Holder of three years Nursing Diploma or its equivalent from a recognized institution.

·   Must  be  licensed    as    a    Staff    Nurse    by    the    Tanzania    Nurses    and

Midwives Council, with relevant work experience of at least three years.

·   Must be computer literate


Nurse Anaesthetists

(5 positions)
Coronary/Cardiac Care Unit Nurses
(28 positions)
Catheterization Lab Nurses
(6 positions)
Cardiac   ICU Nurses

Cardiovascular Inpatient
(42 positions)
Cardiovascular Outpatient Nurses
(22 positions)
Cardiac Theatre Nurse
(15 positions )
Other nursing areas

(46 Positions)
10.1    Reports to:  Block Manager

10.2      Duties and Responsibilities

·         To assess patients’ conditions and identify their needs.

·         To ensure treatments are carried out as prescribed and observe any side effects.

·         To follow hospital policy in respect of custody and administration of all drugs (with specific observation to DDA drugs).

·         To maintain personal contact with patients, their relatives and visitors to enhance the patient’s quality of life, and the good standing of the hospital.

·         To ensure the safe care and custody of patient’s property in accordance with the hospital policy.

·         To ensure that Health and Safety of the clients are maintained at work by abiding to the Infection prevention and control principles.

·         To maintain a professional friendly atmosphere and create a dignified environment.
·         To do any other duties as may be assigned by Supervisor.

10.4.      Required Qualifications

·         Holder of Diploma/advanced Diploma in Nursing or its equivalent from a recognized institution.
·         Must be registered by a Tanzania Nurses and Midwives Council.

·         Work experience in Cardiac /Surgery/ICU /CCU or Theatre is an added advantage.
·         Must have ‘’ O’’ level/’’ A’’ level certificate of secondary education
·         Must have a valid license to practice
·         Must be computer literate

11.0      NURSE II (4 POSITIONS)

11.1      Reports to: Ward/Unit In-charge

11.2      Duties and Responsibilities

·              To assess patients’ conditions and identify their needs.

·              To ensure treatments are carried out as prescribed and observe any side effects.

·              To follow hospital policy in respect of custody and administration of all drugs (with specific observation to DDA drugs).

·              To maintain personal contact with patients, their relatives and visitors to enhance the patient’s quality of life, and the good standing of the hospital.

·              To ensure safe custody of patient’s property in accordance with the hospital policy.
·        To do any other duties as may be assigned by Supervisor.

11.3  Required Qualifications

·               Holder of two years/ three years certificate in Nursing/Midwifery or its equivalent from any recognized Institution.
·               Must be enrolled with the Tanzania Nurses and Midwives Council.
·               Must hold a certificate of secondary education
·               Must have a valid license to practice
·               Computer literacy is an added advantage


12.1      Reports to: Head, Maintenance

12.2      Duties and Responsibilities

·        To carry out preventive maintenance schedules for all laboratory and Hospital equipment.
·        To carry out inspection and calibration of theatre equipment.
·        To ensure safe custody of workshop tools.
·        To ensure timely availability of spares for repairs and maintenance.

·        To perform any other duties that may be assigned from time to time by superior

12.3      Required Qualifications

·        Holder of Bachelor of Science Degree in Biomedical Engineering or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.

·        Must be registered with and approved by the Engineers Registration Board (ERB) as Professional Engineer.
·        Must be computer literate


13.1      Reports to: Head of Social Work

13.2      Duties and Responsibilities

·   To conduct interviews and give advice to patients (inpatients and outpatients).

·   To pay home visits to patients with a view of establishing factors relevant to treatment.

·   To arrange group therapy, involvement in Pediatric work, community work, Maternal and Child Health, Gynecological social problems,

·  To carry out rehabilitation for mental and physical handicapped and general case work including staff welfare services.
·   To conduct research relevant to the field as planned by MNH.
·   To conduct health education to patients and their families.
·   To highlight social factors relevant to the origin of the disease.

·   To perform any other duty assigned from time to time by supervisor.

13.4      Required Qualifications

·  Holder of a Social Science degree or its equivalent from a recognized Institution.

·   Possession of appropriate interpersonal skills is a must.

·   Must be a computer literate


14.1      Reports to: Head, Radiology

16.2      Duties and Responsibilities

·        To prepare contrast agents for administration.

·        To set controls for correct exposures.

·        To position patients according to view.

·        To perform any other duties as may be directed by supervisor.

14.3      Required Qualifications

·               Holder of three years Diploma in Radiography or equivalent qualification who is registered by the National Radiation Commission, with at least three years relevant experience.

·               Must have good Customer care skills
·               Must be computer literate


15.1      Reports to: Head, Radiology

15.2      Duties and Responsibilities

·               To make sure that the radiation protection in the department is maintained.

·               To assist Radiographer in-charge on the preparation and administration of contrast agents.
·               To prepare patients for further procedure.
·               To assist Radiographer in setting control for correct exposures.
·               To perform any other duties as may be directed by supervisor.

15.3      Required Qualifications

·        Holder of three years Diploma in Radiography or equivalent qualification who is registered by the National Radiation Commission.
·        Must be computer literate


16.1      Reports to: Head, Rehabilitative Medicine

16.2      Duties and Responsibilities

·                                 To treat patients under supervision of senior staff.
·                                 To keep and maintain patients records and statistics.
·                                 To take care of equipments in the Unit/department and report any
·                                 malfunctions.

·                                 To perform any other duties assigned by superior from time to time.

16.3      Required Qualifications

·        Holder of three years Diploma in Physiotherapy or its equivalent with an experience of one from a recognized institution.
·        Computer literacy is an added advantage


17.1      Reports to Block Manager

17.2      Duties and Responsibilities

·                     To provide specialized nutritional counseling, medical nutrition therapy, class instruction and follow-up for medically and nutritionally compromised clients.

·                     To prioritize the education need of the family, evaluate client’s educational level, cultural background, values and health beliefs, and develop nutrition care objectives to meet these needs.

·                     To determine client’s level of nutrition risk (prioritization for services) by assigning and documenting appropriate nutrition risk factors.

·                     To identify those clients at significant medical/nutritional risk, identify nutritional objectives and schedule the high risk follow up clinic for in depth nutritional counselling.

·                     To provide nutritional counselling and class instruction for various needs of the target population, especially nutritional needs for pregnancy, breastfeeding, infants and small children and document client progress towards goals.

·                     To assign appropriate food packages to meet the nutritional needs of clients, including specialized formula for infants with specialized or medical needs.

·                     To review professional articles and current research reports and advice management accordingly.

·                     To perform any other duties as assigned by superior.

17.3      Required Qualifications

·        Holder of Bachelor of Science degree in Food and Nutrition, Dietetics, Food Service Systems Management or its equivalent from a recognized institution .

·        Friendly disposition and good customer care skills.

·        Computer literacy is an added advantage.


18.1      Reports to: Head, Medical Records

18.2      Duties and Responsibilities

Responsibilities of Health Records Technicians

·        Organize In and Out Patients Clinics
·        Ensure clear Management of the Health administrative   statistics.
·        Code and classify diseases and diagnosis report.
·        Designing of the Health Records Room and working materials.
·        Implement proper system of daily collection and reporting of ward returns
·        Keep and maintain patients numbering system.
·        Maintain clear Patients Records Management.
·        Assists and participate in training in medical fields
·        Engage in the professionals developments
·        Manage and organize data processing.
·        Handling all customer/patients complains relating to functions
·        Execute Quality Improvements programmes.
·        Assists in implementing periodical reporting system.
·        Ensure clear confidentiality and security of the patient’s information.
·        Implement means of weeding of Inactive records for new records.
·        Proper management and care of Institutional Equipment and tools
·        Plan, supervise and co-ordinate health records works.

18.3  Required Qualifications.

·        Candidate must have two years full time Technician certificate (NTA level 5) or an ordinary Diploma (NTA Level 6) in health records and information Management from the Registered Health Records and Information Institutions.

·        Friendly disposition and good customer care

·        Computer literacy is required.


19.1      Reports: Head of Unit

19.2      Duties and Responsibilities

·                     To perform basic laboratory investigations.
·                     To prepare reagents under close supervision.

·                     To maintain general cleanliness of laboratory glass ware and equipment.
·                     To collect venous blood from patients and preserve specimens.
·                     To keep records of laboratory investigations carried out in the register.
·                     To perform any other duties as may be directed by his/her supervisor.

19.3      Required Qualifications

·        Holder of two years Health Laboratory Certificate or equivalent qualification with relevant experience from a reputable Hospital .

·        Computer literacy is an added advantage


20.2      Reports to: Head of Unit

20.3      Duties and Responsibilities

·        To assist doctors during cardiac testing procedures and surgeries.
·        To assist doctors in pacemaker insertion.
·        To monitor patient blood pressure and heart rate with ECG machines.

·        To explain testing procedures to patient to obtain cooperation and reduce anxiety.
·        To prepare reports of diagnostic procedures for interpretation by physician.

·        To observe gauges, recorder, and video screens of data analysis system during imaging of cardiovascular system.

·        To operate diagnostic imaging equipment to produce contrast enhanced radiographs of heart and cardiovascular system.

·        To observe ultrasound display screen and listen to signals to record vascular information such as blood pressure, limb volume changes, oxygen saturation and cerebral circulation.

·        To assess cardiac physiology and calculate valve areas from blood flow velocity measurements.
·        To obtain and record patient identification, medical history and test results.

·        To perform any other duties as assigned by Supervisor.

20.4        Required Qualifications

·         Holder of three years Diploma in Clinical Medicine or Advanced Diploma in Medicine with additional training in an aesthesia, invasive cardiology, or echocardiography and stress ECG with three years experience from a reputable organization.

·         Must be computer literate


21.1      Reports to: Head of Unit

21.2      Duties and Responsibilities

·         To assemble, maintain and operate extracorporeal circulation equipment, intra-aortic balloon pumps, cell saver and other heart assist devices to support or temporarily replace patients' cardiopulmonary functions during open-heart surgery;

·         To administer blood products, drugs and other substances through heart- lung machines and other devices as directed by cardiac surgeons and anesthetists to maintain adequate flow of oxygenated blood to all organs of the body;

·         To   monitor   vital   signs   to   support   and   maintain   patients'

physiological functions and metabolic needs during cardiopulmonary surgery;

To accurately complete Perfusion record, worksheet and related paperwork are accurately completed and an appropriate action is formulated based on the individual patient condition (including, but not limited to: knowledge of patient’s history, pre-op status, lab and cardiac cath. reports, etc.)
ï‚· To participate in routine maintenance, calibration and inspection of all perfusion related equipment;
ï‚· To cover emergency procedures during the night, weekends and public holidays;
ï‚· To perform any other duties assigned by superior from time to time.
21.3 Required Qualifications
ï‚· Holder of a B.Sc in Nursing or Clinical Medicine with added training in Perfusion Science of its equivalent from a recognized institution with relevant experience from a reputable Hospital.

ï‚· Friendly disposition and good customer care
ï‚· Must be computer literate
22.1 Reports to: Head, Psychiatry
22.2 Duties and Responsibilities
ï‚· To keep and maintain patients records and statistics.
ï‚· To take care of equipments in the Unit/department and report any
ï‚· To carry out occupational Therapist duties under supervision.
ï‚· To maintain records and provide written and verbal reports as required.
ï‚· To maintain an accurate record of the services provided to patients.
ï‚· To perform any other duties assigned by superior from time to time.

22.3 Required Qualifications
ï‚· Holder of three years Diploma in Occupational Therapy or its equivalent with an experience of one year from a recognized institution.

ï‚· Computer literacy is an added advantage
23.1. Reports to: Head, Psychiatry
23.2 Duties and Responsibilities
ï‚· To take care of equipments in the Unit/department and report any malfunctions.
ï‚· To design simple aids for the unit.
ï‚· To perform any other duties assigned by superior from time to time.

23.3 Required Qualifications

ï‚· Holder of three years Diploma in Occupational Therapy or its equivalent from a recognized institution, with at least three years relevant experience.
ï‚· Good customer care skills.
ï‚· Must be computer literate

24.1 Reports to: Head, Diagnostic Laboratories
24.2 Duties and Responsibilities
ï‚· To prepare work plans for the laboratory staff
ï‚· To prepare necessary equipment and materials for the laboratory use.
ï‚· To prepare budget input
ï‚· To assess laboratory needs and make necessary requisitions.
ï‚· To perform any other duties as may be directed by his/her supervisor.

24.3 Required Qualifications
ï‚· Holder of three years Diploma in Health/Dental Laboratory Technology or equivalent qualification with 4 years relevant experience from a recognized Hospital.
ï‚· Must be a computer literate and experience in laboratory functions

25.1 Reports to: Head, Diagnostic Laboratories
25.2 Duties and Responsibilities
ï‚· To prepare re-agents for routine examination of patients.
ï‚· To carry out diagnostic procedures as advised by Doctors.
ï‚· To ensure that all laboratory equipment are in working order and report any malfunction to the concerned authorities.
ï‚· To ensure that the laboratory is kept clean and the glassware is available and clean.
ï‚· To ensure that all samples for investigations are kept in safe custody.
ï‚· To maintain a record of the findings of all investigations carried out.
ï‚· To perform any other duties as may be directed by his/her supervisor.

25.3 Required Qualifications
ï‚· Holder of three years Diploma in Health/Clinical Medicine/Dental Laboratory Technology with additional training in Specialized Technology fields such as Anaesthesia, Cardiothoracic or vascular Surgery, Cardiology, Nephrology, Endocrinology, Haematology, Gastroenterology, Neurology, Rheumatology, Pulmonology, Dermatology,Urology,Bacteriology,Histopathology,ENT, Ophthalmology or equivalent qualification.with years relevant experience from a recognized Hospital
ï‚· Must be computer literate

26.1 Reports to: Head, Medical Records
26.2 Duties and Responsibilities
ï‚· Organize In and Out Patients Clinics
ï‚· Ensure clear Management of the Hospital administrative statistics.
ï‚· Code and classify diseases and diagnosis report.
ï‚· Designing of the Records Room and working materials.
ï‚· Implement proper system of daily collection and reporting of ward returns
ï‚· Assists and participate in training in medical fields
ï‚· Engage in the professionals developments
ï‚· Manage and organize data processing.
ï‚· Handling all customer/patients complains relating to functions
ï‚· Execute Quality Improvements programmes.
ï‚· Assists in implementing periodical reporting system.
 Ensure clear confidentiality and security of the patient’s information.
ï‚· Plan, supervise and co-ordinate health records works.
ï‚· To facilitate availability of records and statistical data for carrying out research.

26.3 Required Qualifications
ï‚· Holder of a two years Diploma in Health Records or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.
ï‚· Friendly disposition and good customer care skills.
ï‚· Computer literacy is an added advantage.

27.1 Reports to: Head of Unit
27.2 Duties and Responsibilities
To assist in stock verification;
ï‚· Reconciliation of stock balances;
ï‚· Liaise with Internal Audit on matters pertaining to stocks;
ï‚· Assist in periodical stock taking/stock check;
ï‚· Maintains stock verification records.

To assist in warehousing;
ï‚· To monitor items requiring stock replenishment;
ï‚· In charge of all receipts;
ï‚· Maintain security and safety of stock/stores;

To assist in procurement.
ï‚· Purchasing of supplies, handling acquisitions, ascertain supplies are purchased within price quotations;
ï‚· Follow up of supplies to suppliers;
ï‚· To perform any other duties as may be assigned.

27.3 Required Qualifications
Holder of a Degree in Procurement and Supply Management or Advanced Diploma in Procurement and Supply Management or Bachelor in Business Administration with Procurement and Logistics Management option or equivalent, from a recognized institution
28.1 Reports to: Head of Unit/Ward In-Charge
28.2 Duties and Responsibilities
ï‚· To clean wards, compounds and equipments.
ï‚· To assist patients with disabilities when taking bath or toilets
ï‚· To assist in feeding patients who are not able to feed themselves
ï‚· To collect and send clothes of the patients to the laundry. and maintain safe custody of cleaning tools and equipment.
ï‚· To collect and send patients samples to the laboratory
ï‚· To prepare equipments for cleaning wounds of patients
ï‚· To collect medicine for patients from pharmacy
ï‚· To perform any other duties as may be assigned by supervisor.

28.3. Required Qualifications
ï‚· Must hold a one year certificate in health from a recognized institution.
ï‚· Must be a holder of Form IV/VI certificate with passes in English and Kiswahili Subjects and.

29.1. Reports to: Head of Medical Records Department
29.2 Duties and Responsibilities
ï‚· To perform routine registration of new and return outpatients and inpatients.
ï‚· To file patients records and case-notes.
ï‚· To maintain an appropriate record keeping system based on existing filing system.
ï‚· To maintain systems for appointments and registration of patients.
 To design forms for the hospital’s record keeping.
 To collect patients’ statistics from wards, sections and departments of the hospital.
ï‚· To prepare and issue new files and outpatient cards.
ï‚· To collect and sort Laboratory results into patients files.
ï‚· To carry out squeezing of files into shelves on a quarterly and yearly basis.
ï‚· To review, sort and file all discharge and follow-up case-notes into the shelves.
ï‚· To locate misfiled case-notes files.
ï‚· To carry out any other duties as assigned from time to time.

29.3. Required Qualifications

Must hold a one year certificate in Health Records or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.


30.1. Reports to: Chief Internal Auditor

30.2. Duties and Responsibilities
ï‚· To review internal controls and submit recommendations to superiors.
ï‚· To execute audit programmes.
ï‚· To ensure that internal control systems are adequate to avert perpetration of frauds, misappropriation and embezzlements.
ï‚· To prepare audit reports based on the audit findings
ï‚· To review the effectiveness of managerial controls and implementation of systems, policies and practices of the hospital.
ï‚· To prepare internal audit programmes in accordance with generally accepted audit standards.
ï‚· To organize and supervise staff carrying out audit on expenditure and revenue transactions.
ï‚· To carry out any other duties as assigned from time to time.

30.3. Required Qualifications
ï‚· Holder of a B.Com in Accounting or Bachelor in Business Administration with Accounting option or equivalent qualifications.
ï‚· Must also be a Holder of CPA (T) or its equivalent, registered with NBAA as Certified Public Accountant.
ï‚· Must be computer literate

31.1 Reports : Head of Maintenance
31.2 Duties and Responsibilities
ï‚· To carry out specified tasks connected with electrical, masonry, carpentry etc.
ï‚· To assist in the repair and maintenance of laboratory or instrumental workshop facilities.
ï‚· To carry out, independently, specified routine technical tasks which require a higher degree of technical knowledge and skills.
ï‚· To perform any other duties as may be assigned by the superior.

31.3 Required Qualifications
ï‚· Holder of a Full Technician Certificate (FTC) or three years Diploma in relevant field or its equivalent from a recognized institution with a working experience of at least 2 years from a reputable organization.
ï‚· Must be computer literate

32.1 Reports: Head of Catering Services
32.2 Duties and Responsibilities
ï‚· To prepare and cook various dishes as allocated to him/her.
ï‚· To requisition all the ingredients required for the preparation of the dishes.
ï‚· To perform any other duties as may be assigned by supervisor.

32.3 Required Qualifications
ï‚· Holder of Certificate in Cookery and who has completed Form IV or Form VI with at least 2 years work experience from a reputable organization

33.1 Reports : Estate Manager
33.2 Duties and Responsibilities
ï‚· To advise and administer the best means of distribution clean and safe water at the work place
ï‚· To educate the staff the best ways of protecting and fight diseases outbreaks at the work place
ï‚· To administer implementation of Health environmental policies
ï‚· To collect and analyze environmental health statistical data
ï‚· To prepare and follow up on the strategies of improving and supervision of safety and health at the work place
ï‚· To organize frequent inspection of food ,water,drainage systems and chemicals at the work place
ï‚· To perform any other duties as may be assigned by supervisor.

33.3. Required Qualifications
ï‚· Holder of B.Sc. Degree in Health Environmental Sciences or its equivalent from a recognized institution plus successful completion of Internship
ï‚· Must have been registered by the respective board with a valid license to practice.
ï‚· Must be computer literate

Salary: Salary for all positions shall be offered commensurate with the MNH
Scheme of Service.
ï‚· All application letters should be sent by post using the address below and letters delivered by hand shall not be considered.

ï‚· Employees working with the Government Organizations /Hospitals should apply through their employers and their employment shall be through transfers depending on approval by the Permanent Secretary (Establishment).

ï‚· Applicants for Medical Officer and Medical Specialist positions shall indicate their preferred areas/specialties as indicated in this advertisement. Preference (s) should be indicated on top of the envelop and in the heading of the application letter.

ï‚· Applications accompanied with a detailed CV and copies of certificates, testimonials and names of three referees should be addressed to the Executive Director so as to reach her before 21st June 2013.

Executive Director,
Muhimbili National Hospital,
P.O BOX 65000,
Dar es Salaam.
NB: This advertisement can also be accessed through the Hospital
Website: www.mnh.or.tz