
Senior Project Coordinator (SPC) at KfW Office (German Development Bank) in Vientiane

KfW is Germany’s state owned bank and belongs to the leading and most experienced promotional and development banks in the world. We are in charge of Financial Cooperation on behalf of the German Federal Government and act in this function as a bilateral donor agency. On behalf and with the funds provided by the German Government, we support and finance economic and social progress in the Lao PDR so that people have better lives. Please visitwww.kfw.de for more information.

We are now opening a local coordination office in Vientiane and are looking for a suitable candidate to fill the position of a Senior Project Coordinator.

Key Duties and Responsibilities:

• Assist in identification and preparation of projects by collecting, analyzing and providing sector information;

• Monitor the implementation of projects, report about progress and obstacles (and contribute to the solutions);

• Assist the implementing agencies, ministries and partners in resolving issues arising during the project cycle;

• Represent KfW in sector technical working groups, ministerial meetings, project workshops etc.;

• Liaise and coordinate with line ministries, international development partners und other stakeholder;

• Assist in providing project data and project information as well as acting as KfW’s local focal person;

• Prepare and accompany KfW missions during their visits to Lao PDR, inc. translations if required;

• Office administration, bookkeeping, file documentation and information management, including press review.

Required Competency

• Higher university decree (equal to MA) preferably in economics or social sciences (or e.g. agriculture, rural development), development studies, technical sciences (incl. environmental studies) or other related subjects;

• In-depth understanding of development issues in Lao PDR as well as good knowledge and overview of government policies and strategies as well as government procedure;

• Working knowledge of modern telecommunication and computer literacy;

• Analytical and communication skills in Lao and English. Knowledge of German language will be a plus;

• Ability and willingness to work independently in the local office with limited supervision by the Director of the Regional office in Phnom Penh;

• Ability and willingness to accompany KfW missions to the field; and limited travelling abroad (training).

Welcomed Competency

• Working experience of 3 years in a public institution or an international development organization in Lao PDR, preferably with project experience in the fields of rural development, vocational training or environment.

How to apply:

Interested candidates are invited to submit a cover letter stating how you meet the requirement and curriculum vitae (maximum of 3 pages) that include names and contacts of two professional referees from different institutions who are familiar with the candidate’s qualifications and work experiences. Women are encouraged to apply. All application documents will be treated confidentially and will not be returned to the applicant. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. Salary and other employment related issues will be discussed during the interview.

Interested applicants are to submit their applications online to kfw.phnompenh@kfw.de not later than 3rd January 2012.