
Berlin Civil Society Center Director of Development

About the Berlin Civil Society Center
Over the past five years the Berlin Civil Society Center has established itself as the joint platform for the world’s leading civil society organisations (CSOs). Our aim is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of global CSOs by bringing together the most important actors, facilitating communication and enabling cooperation. Events such as Vision Works – the global Chairs and CEOs meeting and Global Perspectives have become fixed dates in the calendars of key leaders in the civil society sector. Moreover the Center provides services to collective CSO projects including running the secretariat for the INGO Accountability Charter. Organisations such as Amnesty International, ActionAid International, CARE International, Caritas, CBM International, ChildFund Alliance, Greenpeace International, Oxfam International, Plan International, Transparency International and World Vision International are regular participants in the Center’s events and programmes and play a key role in defining and forming the Center’s activities. For more information about the Center, please visit us at: www.berlin-civil-society-center.org
The Center is looking for a Director of Development as of early 2013 to join a highly motivated team working against tight deadlines striving to fulfil its ambitions of excellence and impact in the sector.
For full information about the role, responsibilities and the desired candidate profile please see the full job description in the pdf.
How to apply:
To apply for the post, please send in Word document format and in English a letter of application stating the skills and approach that you would bring to the post with your CV/resume in strict confidence as Word documents (NO PHOTOS) by email to Isabel Leal at rrhh@darylupsall.com Please let us know where you found out about the post. Please ensure that they are sent as Word documents with the titles “your name cover letter” and “your name CV” Please put "Berlin CSC Director of Development” in the email subject line.