
General Secretary EFJ - European Federation of Journalists

Brussels, Belgium

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the regional body of the International Federation of Journalists, is looking to appoint a full-time General Secretary to start work in the summer of 2013.

The ideal candidate should have

  • Proven leadership ability;
  • Experience and knowledge of trade unionism;
  • A background in journalism and knowledge of global media and journalists issues;
  • Strong information and campaigning skills;
  • Experience of managing the finances and personnel of an organisation, motivating staff and managing projects;
  • Professional written and verbal communication skills including established reporting and presentational skills;
  • Fluency in at least one, preferably two, of the EFJ’s official languages: English, French or German.
The position is based in Brussels and carries with it a package of good social benefits.

For more information please see http://europe.ifj.org/en/articles/efj-general-secretary.
To apply for this position please follow the Link.

Deadline: 20 May 2013

The European Federation of Journalists is the European group of the International Federation of Journalists. It represents over 300,000 journalists in 37 countries.