
Chair, Youth Justice Board for England and Wales

The Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB) is an executive non-departmental public body, responsible for overseeing the youth justice system in England and Wales.  The YJB is looking for a new Chair who will provide dynamic leadership ensuring that the organisation meets its strategic objectives.  These include delivering a youth justice system which champions early intervention, puts education at the heart of detention, reduces reoffending and offers the tax payer increased value for money.
As well as holding the YJB’s management to account for strategic, performance and financial objectives, the Chair will also represent the views of the YJB and wider youth justice system to Ministers, the press and wider public. 
We are looking for someone with outstanding strategic leadership and interpersonal skills with experience of driving an organisation through major transformational change.  Experience in youth justice is not essential. You will need a strong background of securing efficiency savings while improving outcomes. You should be comfortable operating in the media spotlight with strong communication and advocacy skills.  
Whatever your professional background, you should have a strong commitment to helping young people achieve their potential and supporting young offenders to get their lives back on track.
Further information is available at www.mojpublicappointments.com For an informal confidential discussion about the role please contact Sue Jenkins on 020 7426 3965 or Mark Turner on 020 7426 3983.  Applications (CV and supporting letter) should be submitted via www.mojpublicappointments.com by Noon on Friday 13 September 2013.
This appointment is made by the Secretary of State for Justice and is regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments.
We welcome applications from candidates regardless of ethnicity, religion or belief, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or gender identity. We particularly welcome applications from women, those with a disability, and those from a black and ethnic minority background, as well as from those who have commercial/private sector experience or who have not previously held a public appointment.