
Secretary-General, Inter-Parliamentary Union

Want to build a more peaceful, democratic world? IPU is looking for a new Secretary-General with leadership, vision, drive and experience to take this unique organization forward in its work to strengthen democracy around the world.

Secretary-General, Inter-Parliamentary Union

For nearly 125 years, IPU has been working to build peace and democracy throughout the world. It uses its unique network of national parliaments to foster political dialogue, and share knowledge and parliamentary expertise to drive positive democratic change.
Currently made up of 162 Members, IPU is a constantly growing and evolving international organization providing support to both established and newly-emerged democracies. It focuses on ensuring global peace and democracy through conflict resolution, adherence to human rights, political freedom of expression, gender equality, human development, and inclusive political representation. IPU works with national parliaments to build strong, transparent and representative legislative bodies that fulfill their democratic mandate to represent the will of their people. It also provides a unique forum for its Members to unite on tackling key global issues.    
IPU is now looking for a talented, visionary leader to become its next Secretary-General. In the face of major on-going political crises and conflicts around the world, and the continued impact of the global financial and economic crisis worldwide, the new Secretary General will need to have the will, commitment, and dynamism to help parliaments address these challenges successfully.
With excellent leadership, negotiating and diplomatic skills, the candidate will have a thorough knowledge and understanding of international relations and parliamentary assemblies. S/he must be able to show political neutrality and be dedicated to the core values of democracy, gender equality and parliamentary institutions.
The next IPU Secretary-General must also be able to thrive in a multi-cultural environment, and have proven experience in human and financial resource management.
Full details of the position are available at http://www.ipu.org/english/sgeneral.pdfApplications should be submitted online by 1 September 2013.