
Cultural Commissioning Project Manager - NCVO | United Kingdom

NCVO is looking to recruit an experienced project manager to lead the exciting new Arts Council England (ACE) funded Cultural Commissioning programme.  The programme will work to develop a greater awareness and understanding of commissioning opportunities amongst the arts and cultural sector and bring about an increase in the quality and amount of successful commissions from the sector through a corresponding engagement with commissioners themselves.
The post requires excellent skills in; managing large complex high profile projects, strong interpersonal and relationship management and a very good practical knowledge of the voluntary arts and cultural sector and the policy environment they operate in.
In addition the post holder will need a good understanding of commissioning and   how arts and cultural organisations can and do engage in strategic commissioning and how commissioners can and do engage with arts and cultural organisations.
Experience of developing effective ways to share learning, including via peer to peer, between arts and cultural organisations will be a key part of the programme.
*Appointment to this post by NCVO is subject to finalising a funding agreement with Arts Council England
Apply for this post
Please complete the application forms above and email your completed application to recruitment@ncvo-vol.org.uk. Please note we cannot accept your CV.
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