
AEPI SSQ – Operations Support And Compliance Manager

Job Reference Number


Job Type

International Development Assistance/Emerging Markets



Job Location


Job Summary

​Australia’s Education Partnership with Indonesia (the Education Partnership) is currently the largest intervention funded by the Australian Government anywhere in the world. Through the Education Partnership Australia supports the Indonesian Government’s long-term strategy to strengthen and consolidate its national education system, with a particular focus on the current Indonesian five-year plan (2010 – 2014) and support for the initial stages of the subsequent five-year plan (2015 – 2019). The Education Partnership builds on the successes of previous Australian Government supports to the Indonesian education sector by strengthening government systems. Under the Education Partnership, there are three managing contractors and the largest, School Systems and Quality (SSQ) contract, is managed by Cardno. SSQ covers three components, each relating to a different aspect of the Education Partnership.
Each of the SSQ-supported components is national in scope, supporting existing government structures. Component 1 focuses on strengthening systems for infrastructure development within the education sector — specifically, supporting MoEC to assure construction quality of new junior secondary schools. Component 2 is centered around the professional development of school and district management, particularly school principals, supervisors and district education officials, and design and implementation of a school induction program for schools built under Component 1. Component 3 supports the MoRA’s five-year plan to achieve universal national accreditation of private madrasah (Islamic schools) in the Islamic education sub-sector.
AEPI SSQ is looking for high qualified professional to fill in the position of Operations Support and Compliance Manager. The Operations Support and Compliance Manager will lead the operations of the support services and ensure compliance within the program.

Key Responsibilities

​The Operations Support and Compliance Manager is responsible for managing all finance, human resources, and administrative support functions. As this position is deemed “Working with Children”, the Operations Support and Compliance Manager will provide relevant police checks to the Contractor.  The Operations Support and Compliance Manager will have the following key responsibilities:
  1. Develop, track and report on the budget of SSQ, ensuring accurate data collection and forward planning, management of accounts, operational funds, income and expenditure.
  2. Manage the human resources support functions, including compliance with Indonesian taxation and Manpower laws, policy and procedures for recruitment, training, performance assessments, etc.
  3. Manage the administrative support and security of Program staff, providing services to the Program to ensure compliance across the Program within a culture of customer service.
  4. Take responsibility for contracting and procurement, and asset management, ensuring accountability and compliance with all Australian and Indonesian procurement and contracting laws and regulations.
  5. Production and distribution of relevant reports (both regularly and as required) to be used by the SSQ team, Cardno corporate team and DFAT.
  6. Under the direction of the Operations Manager, liaise with DFAT and Cardno corporate staff on all finance issues..
  7. Management of the internal compliance and audit to ensure compliance with client and the Contractor’s rules and procedures, including management of grants systems and processes. Build the capacity of staff within the program to meet quality standards.
  8. Ensure effective working relationships with component leaders and their senior staff in relation to their compliance with program policies and process, particularly those responsible for grants management.
  9. Provide leadership and effectively manage the staff of the Operations Support Unit through regular performance monitoring and assessment, encouraging professional development, training and capacity development, outcomes orientation and a culture of continuous improvement.

Other Requirements

Key Requirements
​The Operations Support and Compliance Manager must have the following skills:
  • In-depth knowledge and more than 10 years experience of working with developing country governments to improve accountability and transparency of systems and processes, experience with the Indonesian Government and/or within the education sector is preferred.
  • A degree in Business / Financial Management or accounting and at least 10 years experience in senior level financial management, experience in budgeting and financial reporting to AusAID is highly desirable.
  • Ability and experience in managing large, culturally diverse teams of operations staff, delivering on all aspects of operational requirements, and promoting a culture of customer service.
  • Knowledge and experience of Australian financial management, procurement and contracting (CPGs) laws and regulations, risk management and human resources systems and processes, grants windows. 
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with an ability to build effective working relationships internally (across components) and externally.
Duration of Contract:
The duration of contract for this position is for 12 months with possible extension subject to approval by the Client.
How to Apply for This Position
  1. Response against each of the Key requirements for the position
  2. Curriculum vitae/resume.
  3. Name and contact details (phone and email) of three referees.
Applications that do not address all the requirements stated above will not be considered.
Submitting Applications 
  1. By email: email your application with the reference " SSQ - Operations Support and Compliance Manager" in the subject line to emergingmarkets.jakarta@cardno.com ; or 
  2. On-line application. Go to the bottom of this page and click "Apply for this job" located at the end of this job advertisement.
Application this position closes on 21 September 2014.
Late applications will not be considered and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Cardno Emerging Markets is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to child protection in all fields.
Australian Aid - managed by Cardno Emerging Markets on behalf of the Australian Government.

Employee Benefits

​This position will be remunerated in line with the AusAID Adviser Remuneration Framework. It is a Job Level 3, Group C position within that framework. For more information about this framework, please consult the DFAT Adviser Remuneration Framework.


​For enquiry, please email emergingmarkets.jakarta@cardno.com with reference "QUERY- SSQ – Operations Support and Compliance Manager position"