Afghanistan - Procurement Specialist
Procurement Specialist
a. Prepare documents and facilitate qualification, bidding and contracting including financial incentives/penalties, acceptable to ADB, for early/late completion of works;
b. Prepare bidding dossiers, conduct bidding proceedings, compare bids, recommend clarifications and negotiate contract award for Client and ADB approval;
c. Update and prepare detailed procurement plans and packages and determine realistic time bound schedules for procurement, including parallel and sequential steps for procurement of civil works from initial steps to the delivery of the services;
d. Develop, in consultation MEW and ADB, all required procurement notifications in accordance with MEW procedures and ADB guidelines for all contract packages;
e. Using input from various specialists, prepare the international tender documents;
f. Organize and supervise appropriate Pre-/post-qualification exercises for civil works contractors submitting bids for the various civil works packages using proceduresagreeable to MEW and in accordance with applicable ADB guidelines;
g. Assist in evaluation of international bids received and formulate recommendations with respect to contract award and issuance of an appropriate notice to proceed;
h. Ensure that during the procurement and contract administration periods that the consultant’s team complies in all regards with their responsibilities in the role of“Engineer” following ADB procurement guidelines updated time to time;
i. Under the direction of the Team Leader and using input from various specialists on the team, prepare the tender documents for national competitive bidding;
j. Assist MEW and MAIL in the routine procurement of vehicles, equipment and services required for project implementation;
k. Assist in recruitment of the third party NGO, consulting and other support services;
l. Review Government procurement policies and practices, recommend improvements and, if necessary, provide draft guidelines for Government consideration.
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