
Faculty Position Carnegie Mellon University in Rwanda

Faculty Position

Carnegie Mellon is seeking exceptional candidates who can deliver innovative, interdisciplinary graduate programs in the areas of: 

  • Software engineering
  • Mobile computing
  • Cloud computing
  • Communications
  • Cyber-security and privacy
  • Wireless networking
  • Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technologies
  • Broadband applications
  • Embedded systems
  • Energy systems
  • Image and signal processing
  • Innovation and technology management

Candidates should possess a Ph.D. in a related discipline and an outstanding record in research, teaching and leadership. Qualified candidates are expected to collaborate with local industry in technology innovation and entrepreneurship.
Applications should include a comprehensive resume including a complete list of publications, three to five professional references, a statement of research and teaching interests (less than two pages each) and copies of two research papers (journal or conference papers).

Applications submitted via email to:
Professor Bruce Krogh, Director of Carnegie Mellon University in Rwanda
Email: rwanda-coe@cit.cmu.edu