
Programme manager, Strategic Relations with Countries Grade: P5

The mission of WHO is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.
Vacancy Notice No: EURO/12/FT214

Title: Programme manager, Strategic Relations with Countries

Grade: P5

Contract type: Fixed-Term Appointment

Duration of contract: One year (with possibility of renewal as * below)

Date: 11 June 2012

Application Deadline: 14 July 2012
(19 day(s) until closing deadline)
Currently accepting applications

Duty Station: Copenhagen, Denmark

Organization unit: EU/RDC Regional Director Corporate Functions (EU/RDC) /
EU/CCC Country Relations and Corporate Communications (EU/CCC)
Strategic Relations with Countries (SRC)
Underlying Values and Core Functions of WHO -

All the Member States of WHO in the European Region share the common value of the highest attainable standard of health as a fundamental human right. All of WHO actions are based on this and rooted in the underlying values of equity, solidarity and participation.

The seven point global health agenda contained in WHO's Eleventh General Programme of Work (2006-2015) includes: (i) investing in health to reduce poverty; (ii) building individual and global health security; (iii) promoting universal coverage, gender equality and health related human rights; (iv) tackling determinants of health; (v) strengthening health systems and equitable access; (vi) harnessing knowledge, science and technology; and (vii) strengthening governance, leadership and accountability.

WHO's mandate revolves around six core functions: (i) providing leadership on global health matters; (ii) shaping the health research agenda; (iii) setting norms and standards; (iv) articulating evidence-based policy options; (v) providing technical support to countries; and (vi) monitoring and assessing health trends.

The European Region (EURO) of WHO is made up of 53 countries, with over 880 million people. The diversity of people and health situations requires, on the demand side, a solid understanding of the emerging socio-economic, epidemiologic and demographic patterns and trends at both aggregate as well as national and sub-national levels, with due sensitivity to disadvantaged populations and vulnerable segments of the society. On the supply side, it is equally crucial to have a solid understanding of the commonalities and divergences of the health systems, the circumstances and political economy under which they have evolved and operate.

Mission of the WHO Regional Office for Europe and objective of the Country Relations and Communication team in Regional Director's Office (CCC-RDO) -

The mission of the WHO Regional Office for Europe is to support Member States in: (i) developing and sustaining their own health policies, health systems and public health programmes; (ii) working to prevent and overcome threats to health; (iii) anticipating future challenges; and (iv) advocating public health.

The Country Relations and Communication Team (CCC) in RD's Office advises the Regional Director and the Regional Office on its strategy for relations and cooperation with Member States. It is responsible for the in-house coordination of country work, as well as the planning and administration of Biennial Collaborative Agreements. The CCC advises the Regional Office on its country strategy. CCC facilitates supports and contributes to the coordination of all activities undertaken by the technical units within the countries and works closely with the Strategic Partnerships (PAR) team to ensure development of strategic partnerships at country level to the benefit of the WHO country offices and the Member States.

CCC also ensures the implementation of the communication strategy and facilitates supports and contributes to the coordination of communication activities around the Regional Director and her Office as well as activities undertaken by the WHO country offices and assists the various technical units in delivering appropriate communication as expected from the communication strategy. It is also responsible for the development, smooth functioning and continuity of the EURO internal and external web sites.

The Strategic Relations with Countries Team (CCC-SRC) forms part of the CCC. The Mission of the Strategic Relations with Countries Team is to provide strategic guidance to the Regional Office under the policy direction of the Regional Director and in line with the Organization's corporate priorities and to ensure in-house coordination of country-specific work. Moreover SRC helps to coordinate and manage effective collaboration with Member States, with and without WHO country representation, in line with the new EURO Country Strategy.

The objectives of SRC are:
a) to facilitate, support and contribute to the coordination of all country activities undertaken by the technical units;
b) to support the WHO Regional Office for Europe in strengthening WHO EURO's existing relations with Member States by liaising regularly with the ministries of health directly or through country offices,
c) to assist WHO Regional Office with the preparation and management of major special policy and technical events in the countries as required;
d) to ensure the quality and impact of the work of WHO EURO in the countries by being responsible for development of country workplans (in coordination with HCOs) and contributing information that will help to monitor, evaluate and adjust WHO's technical work in and with countries;
e) to ensure the development and support the implementation of the country cooperation strategies.
Description of duties:
Summary of Assigned Duties -

A. Core responsibilities in providing intellectual and technical leadership and guidance on country specific work in the Regional Office include:

(i) acting as the WHO EURO content expert and focal point for the countries allocated to the incumbent, and to ensure the development and monitoring of country cooperation strategies and Biennial Collaborative Agreements (BCAs) within those countries; deep knowledge of these countries and full understanding of their strategic needs is expected;

(ii) ensuring technical quality and competence within the SRC programme for all information on the countries and to be responsible for the overall timeliness and quality of all programme deliverables through both country and intercountry workplans;

(iii) assisting technical programmes in developing regional plans to implement global and regional strategies in their technical areas and in harnessing European and other experience and knowledge available in the countries (e.g. including influencing other sectors to incorporate health concerns in their policies and enhance effectiveness of donor and other stakeholder involvement);

(iv) ensuring consistency and cohesiveness with the WHO guidelines, approaches, and messages, contributing to the WHO normative function;

(v) producing authoritative and relevant policy papers and briefs on the subject matter; and

(vi) documenting and rendering explicit the pros and cons of various policy options applicable to country work in terms of their implications and their impact on the level and distribution of health, responsiveness, and financial protection based on country experiences.

B. Core responsibilities in assisting Member States in relation to Country Cooperation Strategies (CCS) /Biennial Collaborative Agreements(BCA) as part of country efforts to strengthen health systems include:

(i) dialogue with and advice to policy makers on national plans and policies to ensure better health and better distribution of health;

(ii) develop and implement innovative approaches, adapted to regional/country needs, in the technical areas;

(iii) technical assistance with the development of mechanisms, instruments and tools (such as national health strategies and policies, monitoring and evaluation, performance assessment and performance management and approaches to enhance effectiveness of stakeholder involvement) as well as the estimation of the required resources (human, financial, infrastructure and technological) and knowledge (i.e. through research, evaluation, performance measurement and knowledge management), in collaboration with technical divisions;

(iv) to build understanding and capacity for improving and assessing BCA implementation within the Ministry of Health (i.e. by leading policy development and coordination, transforming information into intelligence and applying this to the development and assessment of health policies and strategies; mobilizing its legal and regulatory powers to attain health system goals; recommending that the health system is designed to adapt to changing needs; and exerting influence across other sectors than health and advocating for better health); and

(v) advocacy, knowledge transmission and advice for the enhancement of the capacities and skills of health ministries in carrying out their CCS/BCA function.

C. Core responsibilities as a Programme Manager:

i. to assist in providing leadership and managerial oversight to the work of all staff in countries;

ii. to mobilize resources to efficiently deliver services/ products within country workplans;

iii. to be responsible for the allocation of resources within country workplans in coordination with the Strategic Objective Facilitators res ponsible for the different technical areas (assisting them to ensure availability of funds and monitoring of dates and budget constraints);

iv. to coordinate with EM CCC and other programme managers in SRC to regularly monitor and assess the performance of the SRC programme through evaluation and reporting.

Postgraduate university degree (Masters) in political, social, or health sciences, management or economics.

Advanced University Degree (PhD) in any of the above.

Knowledge required:

In addition to a very solid knowledge of international developments in the area of external relations with Member States, the Programme Manager, SRC should be able to:

- identify him/herself with and have a strong commitment to the core values of the World Health Organization;

- be skilful in modern management methods (performance measurement, design and operation of modern management information systems, planning and evaluation, etc);

- be skilful in understanding the potential motivating factors of his/her staff for purposes of adjusting them to new approaches in an increasingly complex environment.

Competencies required:

1) Ensuring the effective use of resources - establishes measures to monitor resources and progress of activities as planned. Monitors costs and seeks to use the most cost-effective methods. Identifies, organizes and effectively manages the financial and human resources needed to achieve results. Identifies priorities and defines realistic objectives and timelines.

2) Creating an empowering and motivating environment - ability to provide staff with clear direction and support in meeting objectives. Provides staff with regular feedback, recognizes good performance and addresses performance issues. Motivates staff to achieve individual and team goals.

3) Producing results - ability to produce high-quality results and workable solutions that meet client needs. Acts appropriately without prompting and makes things happen; handles problems effectively.

4) Building and promoting partnerships across the organization and beyond - ability to work collaboratively with team members and counter parts inside and outside the organization to achieve results. Encourages co-operation and builds rapport among fellow team members at all levels.. Actively encourages people from different parts of the Organization to work together.

5) Communicating in a credible and effective way - excellent writing ability, as reflected in a history of high-quality and concise technical reports. Excellent presentation skills, as reflected in a history of high quality technical and policy related presentations in international fora

Other skills:
Knowledge of Microsoft Office package. Excellent command of internet and ability to find information on the web. Also knowledge of spreadsheet applications and presentation software applications required.
At least 10 years experience in international and country relations, partnerships, or public relations, and experience in management and administration Track record in positions that required managerial, supervisory and leadership ability, negotiation skills.

Working experience of the UN system and WHO specifically, in the field of international relations, partnerships, and country relations.

A very good command of the English language and working knowledge of one WHO official and/or EURO official language (ie Russian, German, French, Arabic, Chinese or Spanish).

Knowledge of other European languages an asset.

Additional Information:
Interviews will take place using a competency-based approach.

Similar posts could be filled using this vacancy notice.

* Extension of appointments are subject to a)satisfactory performance, b) continued need for the function and c) availability of funds.

WHO has an online recruitment system. Therefore, ONLY applications submitted on-line at www.who.int/employment/en will be accepted. All on-line applications are automatically acknowledged. If you do not receive an e-mail within 24 hours confirming receipt of your application, you should verify your on-line profile. In case of repeated difficulties, contact by e-mail hrsrecruitment@euro.who.int - indicating the vacancy title and number in the subject line.
Annual salary: (Net of tax)
USD 80,734 at single rate
USD 86;904 with primary dependants
Post Adjustment: 62.1 % of the above figure(s). This percentage is to be considered as indicative since variations may occur each month either upwards or downwards due to currency exchange rate fluctuations or inflation.

Online applications are strongly encouraged to enable WHO to store your profile in a permanent database. Please visit WHO's e-Recruitment website at: www.who.int/employment. The system provides instructions for online application procedures.
All applicants are encouraged to apply online as soon as possible after the vacancy has been posted and well before the deadline stated in the vacancy announcement.