Physiotherapy Trainer
NGO Presentation
Handicap International is an independent and impartial international aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. Working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups, our action and testimony are focused on responding to their essential needs, improving their living conditions and promoting respect for their dignity and their fundamental rights.
Handicap International is a not-for-profit organization with no religious or political affiliation. It operates as a federation made up of a network of associations that provide it with human and financial resources, manage its projects and implement its actions and social mission. Through its Emergency Response Division (ERD), created in 2006 after the merge with Atlas Logistique, the organization is committed to:
Provide an adequate response to major natural disaster and conflict situations, anywhere in the world as much as possible within 72 hours; Provide assistance to vulnerable groups (refugees, IDPs, persons with injuries, older persons, children, etc.) affected by a crisis and maximize the number of beneficiaries. Within vulnerable groups, target especially PwD and meet their specific needs; Constantly monitor chronic crises and/or conflicts to ensure preparedness for and rapid response to eventual emerging needs. Directly linked to the Emergency Response Division of Handicap International France, the expatriate will be mandated for the following mission:
A critical humanitarian situation
According to UNHCR latest figures from January 2013, there is between 2.5 and 3 millions IDP within Syria. More than 500,000 refugees are now registered in Syria neighboring countries. The current humanitarian response is far from answering to most urgent needs, growing by the day, with a partial coverage only.
Moreover, amongst those victims of the conflict, an estimation of 8% (figures average from the UNHCR for refugees in neighboring countries, excluding older persons – if inclusion of Syrian IDPs and elderly, estimation would likely rise to between 15% and 20%) of them would be in an alarming situation of vulnerability, in terms of protection, access to basic services and in terms of coverage of their specific needs. Persons with mental or physical disabilities and/or chronic diseases, older persons, children head of households are in a critical situation, experiencing difficulties to access to already scare humanitarian resources.
The situation of persons with injuries is also at stake. For those of them having benefited from emergency health care in Syria or host countries, facing the unavailability or lack of access to post-surgery services is likely to have a devastating impact on the prevention of further impairments, or to adapt to a new and challenging environment.
Summary of Mission Handicap International: Syrian Crisis
After a first round of assessment on March 2012, HI emergency response division is implementing since May 15th an emergency intervention for the most vulnerable people affected by the Syrian crisis in Jordan and Lebanon, funded by ECHO, Centre de Crise (French MoFA), Swiss Cooperation and private donors, and aiming to support persons with injuries and other vulnerable groups (including persons with disabilities). HI is until now one of the only organization to address those issues through community outreach, and benefits from the trust of both communities’ representatives, local stakeholders and other field implementing organizations.
In August 2012, HI initiated a basic needs assessment in Bekaa, leading to strong recommendations for winterization activities targeting vulnerable populations.
Early September 2012, HI launched a new round of assessment in Turkey. After several requests from other relief organizations, a project is implemented in HatayProvince and in Northern Syria. This project focuses on physical rehabilitation care and psychosocial support.
Simultaneously, after a technical assessment in Jordan and a rapprochement with ERW (Explosive Remnants of War) management authorities, the National Committee for Demining and Rehabilitation (NCDR), HI decided to launch a first risk education project addressing both Syrian refugees and local host populations living at the Syrian border.
Activities in Jordan
The situation of the most vulnerable persons (including persons with injuries) leads to implement a four dimensions intervention, in continuation of the previous phase (on-going project):
- Provision of support to hospitals in order to improve the provision of emergency rehabilitation care for 1,250 Syrian refugees with injuries
Objective: Provision of equipment, consumables, on-the-job training and accompaniment for local professionals of governmental health structures (Ramtha, Irbid and Mafraq) and to Dulayl JHAS's hospital in order to improve the provision of emergency rehabilitation care for Syrian refugees with injuries and contribute to better respond to needs related to the ongoing crisis
- Identification, assessment and specific support to ensure tailored response to the needs of most vulnerable Syrian refugees, including refugees with injuries and other vulnerable groups (through direct and indirect services
Objective: Enhance the coverage of the needs (both basic and specific) of the most vulnerable persons through external referrals and personalized support to access services and/or internal referrals (to HI services)
- 1,250 conflict affected vulnerable persons with their family members (i.e. 6,250 beneficiaries) have a better coverage of their basic and specific needs through direct provision of services and/or referral upon needs
Objective: Provision of direct emergency rehabilitation service care, complementary dedicated NFI, mobility aids and psychosocial support at community level (Mafraq, Ramtha, Irbid and Zarqa) and camps (Za’atari camp)
- Support to inclusion and accessibility for all in Za’atari camp through formal training to stakeholders and direct accessibility work
Objective: Sensitization of stakeholders through formal trainings and dissemination of sensitization materiel in the clusters and accessibility in the construction of facilities in the camp (WASH, health facilities, school...).
Based in Amman, under the direct responsibility of the Technical advisor, and with the support of the Specific Needs Technical Advisor at HQ level, you will be responsible for:
Provision of formal and on the job training of the physiotherapist team in the different area of intervention (Mafraq, Irbid, Amman, Zarqa’s governorates). Support in designing, elaborating technical tools and trainings to support teams and stakeholders on physical rehabilitation related aspects and ensuring prior validation by the HQ TA of all technical tools (training tools, evaluation forms, leaflets, etc) used in the frame of your activities MAIN TASKS OF THE EXPATRIATE
On demands of your supervisor, you participate to the working groups related to your field of intervention at national and/or local level.
Under the supervision of the rehabilitation manager, planning, designing, implementing the training internally and externally. In charge of the logistic organisation of the trainings. On the job training and formal trainings to the physiotherapist team of Handicap International
Support to P&O process on request; Support to hospital physiotherapy program (Amman, Dulayl, Government) Support to the implementation of rehabilitation group in coordination with the psychosocial TA. Support on validation of equipments
You participate to the monthly situation report (SITREP) by providing relevant data related to your position; You provide regular reporting on your activities to the rehabilitation manager and to the HQ TAs upon their solicitation (coordination meeting, workshop meeting, etc.); You provide the desk officer with a mission report and/or handover document at the end of your contract; Debriefing at HQ at the end of your mission (and during Home-Break).
Educational background and experiences:
Experience in humanitarian context, preferably in emergency  Experience in humanitarian context, preferably in emergency  Compulsory OT/PT degree  At least 2 years of professional experience in the field of vulnerability / disability  At least 2 years of professional experience in the field of rehabilitation  Proven ability to advise on disability/vulnerability issues  Masters of Public Health or related studies would be an asset
Skills:  Ability to work under high pressure with a great level of personal organisation  Project management skills would be an asset  Strong communication and reporting skills
Required languages & IT skills:  English mandatory (oral and written)
Personal Qualities:  Strong interpersonal and intercultural skills
Status: Salaried or volunteer upon experience •Salaried: Upon experience + 457 Euros net/month expatriation allowance •Volunteer: 750 or 850 Euros monthly indemnity + living allowance paid on the field
Start : 01/11/2013 Duration : 4 months
How to apply:
Please apply online:
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