
Finance and Private Sector Development Analyst

CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poor) is dedicated to advancing financial access for the world's poor. It is supported by over 30 development agencies and private foundations who share a common mission to alleviate poverty. Housed at the World Bank, CGAP provides market intelligence, promotes standards, develops innovative solutions and offers advisory services to governments, microfinance providers, donors, and investors.
About the Job: 
CGAP is seeking a Finance and Private Sector Development Analyst. S/he will be responsible for joining organization's expanding efforts in financial innovation for smallholder families. S/he will be part of a three-member core team and will report to the coordinator of organization’s smallholder finance workstream. This position is based out of Washington D.C.
Tasks and Responsibilities: 
  • Coordinate various initiatives of the team, particularly in the area of demand and supply side research, including management of external consultant contracts, active contribution to a multi-media communications plan, and translating insights into quality publications;
  • Help conceptualize and implement other initiatives consistent with organization’s smallholder finance agenda;
  • Provide support to other team members as needed;
  • Maintain relationships (and develop new ones) with members of a broad community of practice interested in smallholder finance to build momentum for collective action, catalyze energy and resources to areas that organization deems priority;
  • Support relationships with key funders including primary responsibility for drafting regular reports and other administrative matters;
  • Develop and implement in coordination with organization’s communications team, communications strategies for disseminating organization’s work with smallholders;
  • Advocate and influence through compelling oral and written communication to diverse stakeholders at varied levels (providers, policymakers, researchers, and funders);
  • Monitor trends in financial inclusion smallholder research in both academia and private sector, identify new ideas, resources, and opportunities for the team;
  • Contribute to organization’s overall workplan, participate in cross-cutting organization teams, and corporate work as appropriate.
  • Master’s degree in Business, Finance, Development, Economics, International Relations or relevant field, and at least 2 years of relevant experience in rural/agricultural development or financial inclusion;
  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Finance, Development, Economics, International Relations or relevant field, and at least 4 years of relevant experience in rural/agricultural development or financial inclusion;
  • Proven track record in producing publications, including drafting quality written papers/reports/blogs;
  • Experience with multimedia strategies, including blogging, ppt, website tools, and social media;
  • Proven ability to think conceptually and rapidly analyze diverse information from varied sources;
  • Excellent business judgment and analytical decision-making skills;
  • Demonstrated ability in designing research strategies and executing on them in a timely and effective manner;
  • Agile, curious, and open mind, an ability to learn, adapt, and be innovative. Actively seeks and considers diverse ideas and approaches;
  • Strong client orientation and ability to maintain complex client relationships in the face of conflicting demands or directions;
  • Exceptional oral communication skills, and experience publicly representing organizations in conferences, meetings with senior representatives, and other speaking engagements;
  • Ability to speak a second language preferably French is a plus.
Closing Date: 20 Jun 2014
How to Apply:
Apply Online
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