
Psychologists / Psychiatrists

THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS (ICRC), an independent humanitarian organization whose mandate is to provide protection and assistance for victims of armed conflict and internal disturbances, is looking for


ICRC Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Programs

Main responsibilities

• To assess Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) needs of populations in areas of armed conflict or other situations of violence. • To develop/design MHPSS programs/projects. • To develop MHPSS training programs and manuals. • To manage/Implement MHPSS programs. • To develop monitoring tools in order to be integrated into MHPSS programs. Functional skills and knowledge • Extensive knowledge on bio psychosocial causes and models of MHPSS • Extensive knowledge on public mental health approach and prevention/promotion treatment and rehabilitation models in MHPSS. • Extensive knowledge on evidence based approaches to MHPSS. • Skills and demonstrated activity in the area of planning for public mental health and/or community based MHPSS interventions. • Demonstrated ability to work in multicultural and multidisciplinary settings • Excellent writing and reporting skills

General skills

• Respecting and promoting individual and cultural differences • Communication aptitude, open-mindedness, creativity, pro-activity • Good problem solving skills • Ensuring effective use of resources • Producing results • Mastery of office software applications: Word, Excel, Power point, ability to use different search engines.

Selection requirements

• Ready to accept non family postings during the first 24 months of collaboration • Excellent knowledge of French (written and spoken), English desirable. • Psychologist (Masters level or doctorate) or Specialist Psychiatrist • Experience with populations from different cultures, field experience required. • Experience/knowledge in training process and supervision. • Experience in team management. • Experience in community-based approach and in implementing mental health and psychosocial support activities. • Experience in emergency mental health. • International driving licence (valid for manual transmission vehicles)

Length of assignments 12 months

Only application received through our website www.ircrc.org will taken into consideration.