
Consultancy Somalia Water and Land Information Management Project

Somalia Water and Land Information Management Project (SWALIM)

Technical review of the project’s performance in reaching its target groups and responding to their information needs

Terms of Reference

1. Background

The Somalia Water and Land Information Management Project is a long term programme aimed at providing crucial land and water resource information to a range of actors, including Somali institutions, governments, donors, NGOs and UN organizations. To that effect, it is closely cooperating with Somali ministries, and has increasingly focused on and invested in building their capacities. The current phase runs from 1 February 2010 until 31 January 2013. This three-year phase has a budget of 4.3 million Euro and six results as listed below.

The impact (general objective) of SWALIM is to contribute to the reduction of food insecurity and to the promotion of private sector led economic development.

The outcome (specific objective) of SWALIM IV is that SWALIM information in water and land allows educated decision-making on emergency, rehabilitation, development and natural resources management interventions

This outcome will be achieved through the following Results:

Result 1: SWALIM products customised and adapted to the needs of strategic users and application of these products is increased through intensified interaction with these users
Result 2: Water and Land Information systems for drought and flood emergency early warning and preparedness are expanded, consolidated and operational
Result 3: Water and land Information systems for rehabilitation, development and natural resources management are consolidated, customised and operational.
Result 4: Water and Land Information needed for the Shebelle and Juba river basin management and trans-boundary cooperation is collected, analysed and consolidated
Result 5: Capacity of Somali public institutions in water and land information management is strengthened in preparation of initiating the handover to Somali authorities or institutions
Result 6: Water Management of the irrigation schemes is improved through the rehabilitation of the Janaale barrage on the Lower Shebelle and other related interventions including capacity building.

The project has been delivering against these six results as planned. Given the continued need for strategic land and water resource information amongst government, developmental and humanitarian actors alike, a further phase in support of the SWALIM (phase 5) is being planned for another three or four years beyond January 2013 with a long standing core donor (EU) already having expressed its interest to continue its funding in a next phase. Previous phases of the project have consequently been evaluated until recently, but it was felt (Project Steering Committee, 27/03/12) that yet another final evaluation would not be able add much value for a number of reasons: the very limited budget available for the evaluation, the security situation which does not allow for field visits in a large part of the country, the limited capacity with in-country NGOs or consultants to do such evaluation (a national team being a necessity due to security constraints for travel and limited budget), the fact that the last evaluation was done only three years ago, etc. Further to that Swalim went through an almost one year long series of discussions with primary beneficiaries and stakeholders, including the donors, on problems, demands, performance assessment and recommendations that ended up in the “Concept of future Somali water and land information management”. The concept can be used as the basis of Swalim Phase V. Therefore the PSC meeting agreed with a proposal from the lead donor to do a more focussed end-of-project technical review on a topic where it is broadly felt and often observed that SWALIM has not been able to perform as foreseen, namely its outreach activities, communication and information dissemination to stakeholders and clients.

2. Prior Evaluations and Reviews

In SWALIM Phase II two evaluations were conducted

• Mid-term evaluation, April 2007

• Final evaluation, April, 2008

In Swalim Phase III the EU Delegation for Somalia organized general assessments of the programme and specific assessment/monitoring for SWALIM


• Study for Integrated Development Programme for Agricultural and Water Development of Lower Shebelle, Middle Shebelle, Lower Juba and Hiran Regions, Somalia; Final Report September 2009.

• Final Evaluation of the Special Framework Agreement for Assistance for Somalia, Final Report, July 2009

SWALIM specific

• Review and identification of the Water and Land Information Strategy and Programme for Somalia; Final Draft Report, 15 October, 2009

• ROM Mission Monitoring Report, Reference MR-117341.01
Project title: Somalia Water & Land Information System III (9 ACP SO 7/2)
Report date: 22/05/2009

3. Purpose of the Review

The objective of the review is to provide an assessment of the relevance, appropriateness, efficiency, impact and coherence of SWALIM’s activities related to information dissemination, outreach activities, communication strategies and tools, client information needs and satisfaction, all with a view to informing future direction and increasing the relevance of SWALIM for e.g. governments, donors, development and humanitarian organizations. Key questions to be answered are:

1. to what extent has land and water information and analysis produced by SWALIM been accessed and used (by decision makers, donors, researchers, implementing agencies and civil society, both Somali and non-Somali) and for what purposes?
2. to what extent are SWALIM activities and (information) products relevant, useful and replying to the needs and requirements of above actors, and how can this be improved in future phases?
3. to what extent has SWALIM contributed to improved knowledge, attitudes and practices on use of land and water resources in Somalia?
4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of SWALIM’s activities related to information dissemination thusfar?
5. how can SWALIM improve its communication strategies, communication tools and information products/messages to better serve the needs of the various users and clients?

4. Scope of the Review

With reference to the specific logframe of SWALIM the mission will assess:

a) Relevance and appropriateness of the information and information products in relation to the needs of decision makers at various levels (and in both the humanitarian and development contexts) and in different locations (Nairobi and Somalia). This relates primarily to Results 1, 2 and 3 of the project.
b) Clarity and realism of the project's objectives and planned results in relation to information products, dissemination and use.
c) Cost effectiveness of the project's objectives and planned results in relation to information products, dissemination and use.
d) Efficiency and adequacy of project activities related to information products, dissemination and use.
e) Status and quality of information products.
f) The prospects and necessary steps for further improving the project's results in the area of information products and dissemination.

Based on the above analysis and looking into detail of a few case studies (to be chosen by the mission in consultation with the SWALIM CTA), the mission will draw specific conclusions and make proposals for any necessary further action by FAO and/or donors, including any need for additional assistance and activities of the project prior to its completion, as well as recommendations for future projects/phases in this domain.

5. Composition of the Mission

1 Expert for 25 days

The consultant expert should have an advanced degree in information, communication and/or marketing, preferably in combination with proven experience in the land and water information sector and production of information products in that sector.

Alternatively, the consultant expert can have a post graduate qualification in land and water management, with a specialization and ample experience in land and water information management systems and/or the production in relevant information products.

6. Timetable and Itinerary of the Mission

The mission will be of a total duration of 25 days when actually worked in the period June – July 2012.

The mission should normally be briefed and debriefed by the responsible donor staff and FAO operations and technical officers.

7. Consultations

The mission will maintain close liaison with the Representatives of the donors and FAO as well as with national and international project staff. Although the mission should feel free to discuss with the authorities concerned anything relevant to its assignment, it is not authorized to make any commitments on behalf of the Government, the donors, or FAO.

8. Reporting

The mission is fully responsible for its independent report, which may not necessarily reflect the views of the donor or FAO. The report will be written in conformity with the heading structure provided by FAO. A copy of standard structure for the report will be provided to the mission right upon their arrival in the country.

The report will be completed to the extent possible in Nairobi and the findings and recommendations fully discussed with all concerned parties. In particular, the consultant will make a presentation of key findings to the SWALIM Project Management and donor representatives and draw a summary of conclusions and recommendations for discussion in a wrap-up meeting to be held in Nairobi. The conclusions and recommendations should provide sufficient technical guidance and specify the resource requirements for the successful completion of clearly specific outputs and activities of the current FAO project. Furthermore, the mission's recommendations should provide guidance on the need for further technical assistance and donor support beyond current project. Any proposal for further assistance should include precise specification of objectives and the major suggested outputs and inputs.

The expert consultant will be responsible for finalising the report, which will be submitted to FAO and donors within two weeks of the completion of the mission.

Job Email id: rudi.vanaaken(at)fao.org