
Information Specialist

The Somalia Unit in Public Diplomacy Section has an opening for the position of Information Specialist. The position will be available immediately.

Closing date for this position is March 2, 2012.

Minimum Requirements

à Bachelor’s degree in journalism, communications, marketing, liberal arts, political science or economics is required.
à At least five years of progressively responsible experience in communications, media, or policy analyst environment is
à Level IV English and Level IV Somali ability is required.
à Must have excellent general knowledge of the host country institutions, history, and key figures, particularly in the mass
à Must be able to develop and maintain effective working level contacts among senior and mid-level government officials,
media owners/publishers, editors, broadcast managers, news directors, and working journalists. Ability to offer oral
translation from Somali to English.
à Must be computer literate, with experience in Microsoft Office applications, face book and twitter.

Job Specification


The incumbent serves as the lead LES advisor to the Public Affairs Officer, the Special Representative for Somalia, the Deputy Special Representative and other agency and section heads on issues concerning local media. Monitors local and significant Diaspora Somali media, flagging and providing English language summaries for stories of interest. Prepares media reaction reporting as needed and a weekly media report for the Somalia Unit on local news items of MSRP significance. Places Washington and PAS materials in local media.
Works with host-country media to ensure accurate, positive, and frequent coverage of Somalia events, initiatives, and USG foreign policy priorities. Cultivates, develops, and maintains senior-level contacts at the TFG Ministry of Information as well as the Ministries of Information of regional administrations and with government and private media entities, and professional associations. Assists the PAO in organizing and coordinating media workshops, lectures, and conferences to promote MSRP goals and build local media professional capacities. Assists in planning and implementing major information program events Acts as press site officer for VIP and embassy personnel visits. Serves as the Somalia Unit’s Virtual Presence Post webmaster and, in coordination with the PAO, develops and implements a strategy for social media engagement. Submits Mission Activity Tracker (MAT) entries for all information programs and assists with the media portions of MAT entries as needed. Translates/transcribes from English to Somali, Somali to English as needed.


· Assists the PAO in devising and implementing media strategy to best publicize mission activities, USG-funded programs and U.S. policies. Initiates and maintains senior and working-level contacts with government officials; media owners, publishers, and editors; leadership of media organizations and associations; local journalists; television and radio professionals; and civil servants working in the world of communication. Represents embassy interests to those officials and responds to their requests for information and assistance, including organizing of conferences, training workshops and U.S. speaker programs. Attends representational events with media contacts. Recommends appropriate program, publication and material support for journalists. Identifies and recommends government officials and media candidates for press-related International Visitor grants and other post programs. Identifies key contacts for Mission outreach activities and official functions. Creates, maintains, and updates institutional analysis of all media related organizations in Somalia and for significant Somali Diaspora media. Maintains updated contact information on journalists. Represents Embassy at functions and meetings, as appropriate. 30%

Monitors and reports on daily newspaper, radio, and television coverage of local events of concern to the Somalia Unit. Advises Special Representative for Somalia, the Deputy Special Representative and PAO of sensitive information received from media contacts. Monitors local and significant Diaspora Somali media, flagging and providing English language summaries for stories of interest. Prepares media reaction reporting as needed and a weekly media report for the Somalia Unit on local news items of MSRP significance. Advises front office and PAO on strategies to enhance press freedom. Assists Political Section with interpretation of issues of political significance, as reported in local media or through local contacts. Provides annual input on press freedom issues for inclusion in Human Rights Reports. 30%

Serves as the Somalia Unit’s Virtual Presence Post webmaster and, in coordination with the PAO, develops and implements a strategy for social media engagement. 20%

Works to place Mission-sponsored original programming, including important policy programs, with local television and radio. Works closely with local BBG radio affiliates and maintains working contact with BBG stringers. 10%

Submits Mission Activity Tracker (MAT) entries for all information programs and assists with the media portions of MAT entries as needed. 5%.

Serves as back up to Cultural Affairs Specialist as needed for reporting activities 5%

Selection Process:


Additional Selection Criteria:

Management will consider nepotism/conflict of interest, budget, and residency status in determining successful candidacy. à Current employees serving a probationary period are not eligible to apply.
à Current Ordinarily Resident employees with an Overall Summary Rating of Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory on
their most recent Employee Performance Report are not eligible to apply.
à Currently employed U.S. Citizen EFMs who hold a Family Member Appointment (FMA) are ineligible to apply for
advertised positions within the first 90 calendar days of their employment.
à Currently employed NORs hired under a Personal Services Agreement (PSA) are ineligible to apply for advertised
positions within the first 90 calendar days of their employment unless currently hired into a position with a When Actually
Employed (WAE) work schedule.
à Applicants must be available for an interview and for proficiency testing as required by the selecting official.


1. Eligible Family Member (EFM): An individual related to a U.S. Government employee in one of the following ways:

  • Spouse or same-sex domestic partner (as defined in 3 FAM 1610);
  • Child, who is unmarried and under 21 years of age or, regardless of age, is incapable of self-support. The term shall include, in addition to natural offspring, stepchildren and adopted children and those under legal guardianship of the employee or the spouse when such children are expected to be under such legal guardianship until they reach 21 years of age and when dependent upon and normally residing with the guardian;
  • Parent (including stepparents and legally adoptive parents) of the employee or of the spouse, when such parent is at least 51 percent dependent on the employee for support;
  • Sister or brother (including stepsisters and stepbrothers, or adoptive sisters or brothers) of the employee, or of the spouse, when such sibling is at least 51 percent dependent on the employee for support, unmarried, and under 21 years of age, or regardless of age, incapable of self-support.
2. U.S. Citizen Eligible Family Member (USEFM): For purposes of receiving a preference in hiring for a qualified
position, an
EFM who meets the following criteria:
  • U.S. Citizen; and,
  • EFM (see above) at least 18 years old; and,
  • Listed on the travel orders of a direct-hire Foreign, Civil, or uniformed service member assigned to or stationed abroad with a USG agency that is under COM authority, or at an office of the American Institute in Taiwan; and either:
  1. Resides at the sponsoring employee's or uniformed service member's post of assignment abroad or at an office of the American Institute in Taiwan; or
  2. Resides at an Involuntary Separate Maintenance Allowance (ISMA) location authorized under 3 FAM 3232.2.
3. Appointment Eligible Family Member (AEFM): EFM (see above) eligible for a Family Member Appointment for purposes of Mission employment:

· Is a U.S. citizen; and
· Spouse or same-sex domestic partner (as defined in 3 FAM 1610) or a child of the sponsoring employee who is
unmarried and at least 18 years old; and
· Is listed on the travel orders or approved Form OF-126, Foreign Service Residence and Dependency Report, of a
sponsoring employee, i.e., a direct-hire Foreign Service, Civil Service, or uniformed service member who is permanently
assigned to or stationed abroad at a U.S. mission, or at an office of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), and who is
under chief of mission authority; and
· Is residing at the sponsoring employee's post of assignment abroad or, as
appropriate, office of the American Institute in Taiwan.
· Does not receive a Foreign Service or Civil Service annuity

Member of Household (MOH): An individual who accompanies a direct-hire Foreign, Civil, or uniformed service member permanently assigned or stationed at a U.S. Foreign Service post or establishment abroad, or at an office of the American Institute in Taiwan. An MOH is:

  • Not an EFM; and,
  • Not on the travel orders of the sponsoring employee; and,
  • Has been officially declared by the sponsoring USG employee to the COM as part of his/her household.
A MOH is under COM authority and may include a parent, unmarried partner, other relative or adult child who falls outside the Department’s current legal and statutory definition of family member. A MOH does not have to be a U.S. Citizen.

5. Not Ordinarily Resident (NOR) – An individual who:

  • Is not a citizen of the host country; and,
  • Does not ordinarily reside (OR, see below) in the host country; and,
  • Is not subject to host country employment and tax laws; and,
  • Has a U.S. Social Security Number (SSN).
NOR employees are compensated under a GS or FS salary schedule, not under the LCP.

6. Ordinarily Resident (OR) – A Foreign National or U.S. citizen who:

  • Is locally resident; and,
  • Has legal, permanent resident status within the host country; and,
  • Is subject to host country employment and tax laws.
EFMs without U.S. Social Security Numbers are also OR. All OR employees, including U.S. citizens, are compensated in accordance with the Local Compensation Plan (LCP).