
Contributing Editor , Southern Pulse

Washington , DC
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Last Date To Apply
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Southern Pulse is a decentralized, field-based investigations organization focused on security, politics, energy, and business in Latin America. Founded in 2004 by investigative journalist and author Samuel Logan, Southern Pulse presents clients with presentations and reports sourced from the ground up. This organization began as a private human intelligence network in the Americas. Southern Pulse is now based in Annapolis, Maryland, and runs its free online media monitoring service from Washington, DC. Senior investigators operate from hubs in Mexico, El Salvador, Colombia, Brazil, and Chile to leverage our network, unique access, and deep understanding of the region to mitigate risk for public and private sector clients with exposure to political, security, financial, or legal risk in Latin America.

The internship position(s) will focus you on a particular sub-region in Latin America - Cent Am, the Andes, the Southern Cone, etc. - and involve information gathering from online media sources in Spanish/Portuguese, producing concise news feeds or "pulses" via a weekly intel cycle, and contributing to other Southern Pulse content collection and preparation.


The position is conducted remotely and usually requires 10-15 hours/week; it is unpaid but provides experience in analyzing geopolitical events in Latin American, writing and editing, as well as access to the Southern Pulse database and potential future opportunities with the company and Southern Pulse partner organizations.

Applicants may review the site at www.southernpulse.com. Applicants should be focused on Latin America and be proficient in reading/translating Spanish-English; knowledge of Portuguese may help. This unpaid internship is for a period of at least three months, rolling application.

Contact Details

Paul Calixte

Application Instructions

Send a CV and cover letter to Paul Calixte, Managing Editor - editor@southernpulse.com