
Food Technology and Quality Control Specialist


Maldives is not self sufficient in agricultural produce due to its limited availability of cultivable land and poor quality of soil. The economy of the country is disadvantaged by the enormous dependence on imported foods for local consumers and for the tourism sector. However the enormous scope for the substitution of a number of imported items depends on the scale of locally produced agricultural products. The lack of an appropriate legal framework and proper quality control procedure adds up to a weak quality control mechanism, directly impacting the two major economic sectors, Tourism and Fisheries. It is imperative to ensure foods intended to be consumed by the local and to cater to the tourism sector be safe and wholesome.
The list below highlights the overall objectives of the project:
  1. Protecting the public health by reducing risk of food borne illness.
  2. Protecting consumers from unsanitary, unwholesome, mislabeled or adulterated food from the agricultural industry.
  3. Contributing to the economic development by maintaining consumer confidence in the food.
  4. To establish certification and quality control mechanisms for agricultural value-addition activities and strengthen trade competitiveness of locally processed agricultural food items.
  5. Provide a sound regulatory foundation for domestic food and its trade activities.
  6. Ensure that Maldivians and those tourist and foreigners who reside in Maldives have access to safe and quality food products.
  7. Create a model system for quality monitoring during primary production, processing and distribution of Agriculture and Value-Added products in the Maldives.
  8. Strengthen the capacity of Regulatory Authorities.
Extensive work has been undertaken to ensure an increase in agricultural produce and value added products. This increase in the agricultural products has a direct increase in the number of the pesticides used in the crops. Pesticides are used in a variety of different ways in the entire agricultural value-chain. They are used by the farmer to control the growth of weeds, prevent crop damage by insects, rodents and molds. Pesticides are used on food crops after harvest to prolong their storage life. Due to the usage of a large amount of pesticide in these crops, pesticide residues could be found in and on foods. In order to exclude agricultural food product with high pesticides residues entering into the food chain, screening of such products needs to be checked through quality control mechanisms. Value added and processed foods processed from the primary products may contain accumulated pesticide residue matter. These also need screening for pesticide residue content in order to ensure safety of the products for consumption. Usage of pesticides in the local agricultural sector is on the rise causing uncertainties about the levels of pesticide residues in local products. This has to be given focus by laboratory analyses and their reports. Collection of data of pesticide residues contents is vital for sound decision making and formulation of standards, especially when such analyses occurring in trace quantities. Scientific evidence is an important aspect for powerful justification of setting limits on locally produced agricultural goods. Promotion of local products and expansion of markets for country’s agricultural produce is also a significant viewpoint and requires data collection through testing for pesticides and food contaminant. Addressing the regulatory aspects related to agricultural industrial development on a parallel basis is equally important for sustainable development of an agricultural value chain that aids import substitution.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall supervision and direct guidance of implementing partner and project focal point, the consultant shall;
  1. Provide assistance in the strengthening of the registration mechanism of the pesticide and registration of the local agricultural and value added products.
  2. Provision of technical assistance in data analysis of the pesticides in the local agricultural production.
  3. Undertake a risk assessment of the pesticides in the local agricultural products and risk assessment of the pesticides used in the Maldives.
  4. Provide technical assistance in generating the data for setting up of limits and development of maximum allowable the limits of pesticides.
  5. Provide technical assistance and set up quality control mechanism and establishing a certification system for local and value added products.
  6. Conduct the final validation workshop with key stakeholders and selected processors and farmers.
  • Strengthening the existing pesticide registration mechanism
  • Listing of the Local agriculturally produced and value added products
  • Output 1: Data analysis and risk assessment of the Pesticides in locally produced food
  • Data analysis of the pesticides in the local agricultural production
  • Risk assessment of the pesticides in the local agricultural products.
  • Development of Shelf Life for locally agricultural product
  • Output 2: Technical Assistance for setting up of standards
  • Risk assessment, developing and setting up of the maximum allowable the limits for pesticides
  • Training of Inspectors and strengthening the testing capacity for quality monitoring
  • Training of inspectors on inspection techniques and sample collection based on the protocols, Standard operating procedure
  • Training of the value chain staff on quality and safety aspects of the products.
  • Training of the Laboratory staff on laboratory techniques used to analyze quality of the products.
  • Develop a Quality Control and Certification System
  • Set up a quality control and certification mechanism for value added and locally produced agricultural products including producer, farms, processing establishing and distribution centers
  • Set up standard operating procedures for monitoring of quality and safety of agricultural
  • Gap Identification
  • Identification of Gaps/ Intervention and Future area of development
  • Conduct a final validation workshop
Duty Station and Duration of Stay:
  • Maldives Food and Drug Authority, Male’, Maldives
  • 3 Months


  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Minimum Postgraduate degree in food Science, food technology, and quality control of food and or in a relevant field
  • Minimum 10-15 years of experience in the area of food science, food safety and quality control of food
  • Have background in analytical chemistry
  • Experience in the area of pesticides risk assessment
  • Familiarity with participatory approach to development
Language Requirements:
  • Fluency in both written and spoken English.