
Volunteer at the 8th European Innovation Summit

Knowledge4Innovation (K4I) is looking for volunteers to help with the organisation of the 8th European Innovation Summit, which will take place in the European Parliament, from 14 November to 17 November 2016.
Volunteers must be available all day during the three days of the summit (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, excluding Thursday) and for a couple of hours once during the week before the Summit for a briefing and a visit to the European Parliament.
Several volunteers will be responsible for the social media coverage of the Summit.
The applicants should have the following qualifications:
  • Preferably student or a young graduate in EU studies, International relations, Political Sciences or in a related field 
  • Good command of English
  • Be stress resistant and able to work under pressure
  • Good communication and organisational skills
  • Experience and/or education background in digital communications (especially Twitter) –only for the Social media applicants
We offer: 
  • Valuable experience in event organisation in the European Parliament
  • During the summit (14, 15 and 16 November): Food and beverages will be provided.
  • Afterwards all volunteers will receive recommendation letter from Knowledge4innovation.
  • Post-Summit drinks will be organised
  • Individual coaching session “How to get a job in the EU bubble” in the K4I office after the Summit
Candidates should submit their CV only by email indicating “8 EIS Volunteer – First name Last name” in the subject line and “8 EIS Volunteer - Social Media – First name Last name” for the Social media applicants.
Please send your applications no later than Friday 14 October toiskren.marinov@knowledge4innovation.eu