
Call for Proposals – GAFSP Public Sector Window

This is the second GAFSP Call for Proposals from “IDA-only countries”1 that are not in non-accrual status to submit proposals by March 31, 2012, consistent with the Country Guidelines for the Public Sector Window (version: January 10, 2012), available on the GAFSP “Call for Proposals” web page: http://www.gafspfund.org/gafsp/content/call-proposals

The Steering Committee intends to make allocation decisions by the end of May 2012. Proposals must be submitted electronically by midnight March 31, 2012 (Washington, D.C. time) to the GAFSP Coordination Unit. Submissions can be made by email to info@gafspfund.org, or by sending an electronic device such as a CD or a flash drive by courier to:

GAFSP Coordination Unit,

MSN MC5-510,

The World Bank Group,

3301 Pennsy Drive, Landover,

MD 20785 USA.

Experience suggests that the email option is the most reliable with respect to meeting time deadlines. All submitted documents should be in either Microsoft Word, Excel, or PDF format.