
Head of Field Office , Danish Refugee Council

West Côte d’Ivoire

Based in Man


The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has been present in West Africa since 1998. With the aim of building up protection capacities for people in displacement and of working towards durable solutions upon return, DRC strives to have a presence in refugee/IDP producing areas and communities as well as in refugee/IDP receiving and hosting areas and communities. Since 2006 DRC has pursued a regional strategy in West Africa determined and shaped by the displacement patterns stemming from the conflicts in the region. Currently, DRC runs a regional programme focusing on border areas between Liberia, Cote D’Ivoire and South East Guinée that includes protection and emergency interventions as well as rehabilitation and recovery activities. In the coming three years, DRC will continue to focus on these areas as they are particularly prone to conflict related displacement and protection violations due to resource competition and inter-ethnic tensions.

The program has a regional office located in Abidjan-Côte d’Ivoire, a sub-regional office in Monrovia-Liberia and 5 field offices in North and South East Liberia, West and South West Cote d’Ivoire and South East Guinea.

DRC’s West Côte d’Ivoire program focuses on protection, emergency response and community recovery and development within the sectors of water and sanitation, livelihoods, social cohesion and infrastructure. The program is currently funded by DANIDA, ECHO, WFP, UNDP, DRC own funds and private donors. The current annual portfolio is app 2 million USD, but is set to grow over the coming year. The West Côte d’Ivoire head of office supervises around 30 local staff.


The Head of Field Office (HoFO) for DRC West Côte d’Ivoire is responsible for overseeing planning, implementation and monitoring of DRC programs, contributing to writing proposals and developing concept papers, supervision of staff, and preparing reports. He/she represents DRC vis-à-vis local authorities, donor representatives, international organizations and NGOs in the area of operation. The HoFO is responsible for the financial, administrative and logistics of the program in the area of operation as well as for security planning and implementation of security precautions. The HoFO is supervised by and reports to DRC Regional director.


1) Programming

• Planning and coordinating successful and timely implementation of all projects/programs in the area of operation, and supporting the current refugee emergency related interventions

• Responsible for regular project documentation and reporting (collecting technical data, compiling reporting from the technical and field staff)

• Conducting assessments and fact finding missions to set up new or follow-up projects, assisting in preparation of project proposals for external donors and negotiate/defend them, conceptualizing and developing sectoral and local strategies in close co-operation with the Regional Director.

• Coordination with all actors involved in the implementation of the programme, including local partners and authorities, and ensure that programme activities are well-coordinated with activities of other humanitarian actors in the area

• Maintains close and good collaboration with major donors and partners of the programme

• Ensure that the DRC West Côte d’Ivoire program is implemented in accordance with DRC standard regulations and operational procedures (e.g. Code of Conduct, HAP Principles, DRC Assistance Framework, DRC Operational handbook and DRC Program handbook)

• Ensure that at all times contact with beneficiaries, target groups and representatives of authorities is conducted in a sensitive and respectful manner

• Ensure input for and participate in the operationalisation of the DRC Regional West Africa Strategy

• Ensure mainstreaming and harmonisation between all the DRC procedures in West Côte d’Ivoire

• Represent DRC project activities in West Côte d’Ivoire

2) Monitoring and Reporting

• Supervising implementation of the projects by monitoring and evaluation (quality control, monitoring objectives and indicators) to ensure that activities/projects are implemented in accordance with agreed strategies, principles, implementation plans, and donor requirements

• Ensure that timely and quality project narrative reports are provided to the donors on time according to donors requirement as well as according to internal DRC reporting requirements

3) Administration and Personnel Management, Finance and logistic

• Overall responsibility for management of the offices in West Côte d’Ivoire including the overall financial budgeting and expenditures, staff management, administrative issues, security, logistics and other aspects pertaining to running of DRC offices in West Côte d’Ivoire and adhering to DRC rules and guidelines

• Responsible for organizational development of the DRC WA operation, including formulation of human resource development strategy, and staff training and coaching in West Côte d’Ivoire.

• Supervision of staff performance, and in close collaboration with regional director, carrying out actions in terms of recruitment, promotions and dismissal in West Côte d’Ivoire

4) Security

• Ensure appropriate information regarding security in West Côte d’Ivoire

• Ensure a Security network with all possible stakeholders in West Côte d’Ivoire

• Responsibility for security planning including regular updating of security and evacuation plans and measures, and implementation of security and contingency plan

• Ensure that security incidents are reported to the Regional Director

Other duties as handed down from the Regional Director.


• Solid professional international field experience at senior level, SPECIFICALLY IN EMERGENCY AND EARLY RECOVERY

• Demonstrated HRM and leadership experience

• Practical experience at all levels of the programme cycle (undertaking assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring and documenting ones results)

• Experience in working with EuropeAid, USAID, ECHO and UNHCR guidelines is an advantage

• Fluency in written and spoken French and English is mandatory

• Computer literate

• Cultural sensitivity and adaptability

• Acceptance of, and preferably experience from, working under difficult conditions in conflict-affected areas


Starting Date: 1 March, 2012, or as soon as possible

Duty station: Man, West Côte d’Ivoire (Non-family station)

Contract: 12 months, with possibility of extension (subject to funding)

Salary: EUR 3,000.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A FIELD RECRUITED EXPATRIATE POSITION. Starting salary is 3,000 EUR. DRC furthermore covers insurance, accommodation on the base, travel expenses at the beginning and termination of employment reimbursed, 25 days of paid holiday per year, and R&R every 12 weeks with up to 1000$ transport/accommodation reimbursed. Employment conditions can be obtained per request.


You are welcome to contact Head of Desk Elsa Moreno on email: elsa.moreno@drc.dk for further information on the programme and the position.

Please note that applications are NOT to be sent to Ms Moreno; we only receive applications via our online system at www.drc.dk under Vacancies > Current Vacancies > Head of Field Office – West Cote d’Ivoire. Applications sent directly to Ms Moreno WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED.


Only motivated applications that address the stipulated duties and meet the required qualifications sent together with a CV, in English and marked “Head of Field Office – West Côte d’Ivoire” will be considered.

We only accept applications sent via our online system at www.drc.dk under Vacancies > Current Vacancies > Head of Field Office – West Cote d’Ivoire.

Please remember to upload a letter of application and your CV.

CV-only applications will not be considered.

Applications are to be sent to no later than Tuesday, 28 February, 2012.

Please contact Anne Oxholm, job@drc.dk, if you experience problems with your online application.


The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a private, humanitarian organisation covering all aspects of the refugee cause. Our aim is protection and promotion of durable solutions to refugee and displacement problems, on the basis of humanitarian principles and human rights. We work on the basis of the Code of Conduct for the ICRC and NGOs in Disaster Relief, and the UN Conventions on Refugees.

How to apply:


Only motivated applications that address the stipulated duties and meet the required qualifications sent together with a CV, in English and marked “Head of Field Office – West Côte d’Ivoire” will be considered.

We only accept applications sent via our online system at www.drc.dk under Vacancies > Current Vacancies > Head of Field Office – West Cote d’Ivoire.

Please remember to upload a letter of application and your CV.

CV-only applications will not be considered.

Applications are to be sent to no later than Tuesday, 28 February, 2012.

Please contact Anne Oxholm, job@drc.dk, if you experience problems with your online application