

Location: Nairobi – 90% of time will be Sudan based
Reporting to: Head of Internal Audit
Date: ASAP

General Overview/Description of the Role
Stakeholders including trustees, employees, donors and the public expect those charged with governance of the iNGO to manage the significant risks the iNGO is facing and to put adequate controls in place to deal with these. These risks encompass risks related to iNGO operations, as well as risks related to compliance with laws and regulations and financial reporting.

Good governance, by its nature, demands effective systems of internal control and an iNGO’s system of internal controls therefore has a key role in the management of risks that are significant to the fulfilment of its iNGO objectives. A sound system of internal control contributes to safeguarding all stakeholders and the iNGO’s assets.

The purpose of internal audit within GOAL is to work with senior management to continually review and develop sufficient systems of internal control in order to manage the respective risks that the iNGO faces thereby protecting all stakeholders.

GOAL has been working in Sudan for over 30 years with bases in North and South Sudan focussing on primary health care programmes. Funding for these programmes is derived from a variety of donors including OFDA, ECHO, DfID, Irish Aid and GOAL public funds.

• Develop Internal Audit Plans for North and South Sudan with Head of Internal audit and COO, and decide on prioritisation of field sites based on risk assessment.

• To establish and carry out regular reviews and updates of risk-registers in each location.

• Management of in-country national Internal Auditors and their plans.

• Work with Head of Internal Audit and COO to develop a comprehensive standard audit programme for use in auditing field offices in North and South Sudan.

• Review GOAL’s field reporting procedures and identify areas for improvement.

• Familiarisation with current structures, systems and procedures of the Finance and Support Departments in GOAL Dublin and its interaction with the support functions of field offices, and provide advice on improvements where appropriate.

• Execution of Audit Plan:

- Undertake internal audits in field offices as described in the plan.
- Provide recommendations to Country Director (CD), Field FC, Assistant Country Directors, other members of in-country SMT and Head of Internal Audit where necessary, on improvements to be made in systems and controls.
- Report to Head of Internal Audit on findings in formal Audit Report. Follow up on recommendations made in the Report with CD, Field FC, Assistant Country Directors, and other members of in-country SMT to ensure they have been implemented.

• Assess how efficient budget management and monitoring is within North and South Sudan.

• Review systems of control around the use of cash in each field office.

• Conduct any ad-hoc audit or financial investigation assignments at the request of the Audit Committee or Head of Internal Audit.

• Donor Compliance: Familiarisation with GOAL’s relationship with major donors, including main donor guidelines and principles, (in co-ordination with GOAL’s donor compliance officer). Ensure appropriate systems are in place in all relevant areas; reporting, documentation, filing protocols, resources allocated to ensuring donor compliance, training of staff.

• Timesheets and Staff Contracts: Verify that timesheets are completed & signed off by all individual staff & that same correspond to the approved allocation basis.

• Procurement: Ensure procurement procedures followed in line with the procurement chart thresholds and standard systems and controls.

• Controls File: Review the Audit Control File to ensure it is in line with the Audit trail guidelines as per the Finance Manual

• Journals: To assess if there is sufficient audit trail for journals – are all journals reviewed, backed up by original documentation showing justification for the journals

• Subsidiary ongoing responsibilities:

o Assume the role of acting Field FC (i.e. provide cover) e.g. gap between contract end and contract start of successive Field FCs
o Provide inputs / recommendations in ongoing reviews of GOAL’s financial procedures and control structures.
o Assist in training of national staff in GOAL policies and procedures as required.
o Undertake project management tasks if required in emergency circumstances.

The Internal Auditor is expected to be in the field (ie North and South Sudan, rather than the Nairobi base) approximately 90% of their time.

The internal Auditor will report to the CD when in country, for matters of general management, administration, safety and security.

This job description serves to give an overview of the role and is subject to change and more detail.

If you would like to apply for the above position, please send your CV and covering letter to applications@goal.ie, ensuring that the job title and location of the role are clearly stated in the subject line of your email. Thank you.