European Project Coordinator Institut Catala de Ciencies del Clima (IC3)
IC3 Headquarters in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
The Institut Català de Ciències del Clima (IC3) is a climate institution created by the Government of Catalunya and the University of Barcelona, aiming at understanding climate change and variability, the dynamics and theory underlying those changes and the impact on society. IC3 focus on the Mediterranean regions, tropical Africa, South America and Southeast Asia.
The Climate Forecasting Unit (CFU) undertakes research to forecast global climate variations from one month to several years into the future (also known as seasonal-to-decadal prediction). The unit members also investigate the impact of climate variability in socio-economic sectors, and the management of such risk via the development of climate services for renewable energy, insurance, etc. The CFU is involved in one nationally funded project and several projects funded under the European Seventh Framework Program (FP7).
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We are looking to recruit a 54 month full-time Project Coordinator to work on the FP7 project SPECS (Seasonal-to-decadal climate Prediction for the improvement of European Climate Services). SPECS intends to develop the new generation of European operational seasonal-to-decadal climate forecast systems for the production of reliable, local climate information at the global scale. SPECS is a collaborative project with 20 partners from Europe and Brazil and is part of a cluster of European projects that will provide a coordinated response to the societal need for climate services.
The successful candidate will work closely with the CFU members involved in the project, collaborate closely with the SPECS coordinator in running the SPECS projects office and handle all communication across SPECS at large and between SPECS and its partners and stakeholders.
As a Project Coordinator, the candidate will be responsible for several important aspects of the day to day management of the project, including:
- Monitor the progress of the partners with the tasks and deliverables.
- Organize the annual general assemblies and a range of progress meetings.
- Coordinate both the scientific and budget reporting to the submitted to the European Commission.
- Develop the project outreach plan, including the coordination of the web page content.
- Degree in a climate-related science.
- Previous experience in EU-funded project coordination.
- Fluent English written and spoken (working language). Other European languages, such as Spanish and Catalan, will be an asset.
- Excellent oral and written communication skills.
- Able to work to tight deadlines to report regularly and comprehensively on the project progress and potential issues detected.
- Availability to travel internationally.
- Valid permit to work in EU.
The position is opened for 54 months including an initial 24-month contract followed by an additional 30-month contract. The position starts 1 September 2012 or as soon as possible after that date. Gross salary 27.500 – 32.100 EU per year.
To apply, please send your CV and application letter with the following subject “Application for the SPECS Project Coordinator” by e-mail to
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