
Medical Coordinator ‘Operatie Glimlach’ Sierra Leone

Medicines du Monde the Netherlands (Dokters van de Wereld) is an international medical organization that provides (access to) medical aid to vulnerable populations worldwide. As part of its mandate MdM conducts reconstructive surgery mission “Operation Sourire” (OPS) since 1989 in support of forgotten populations in collaboration with partners in Africa and Asia. Operation Sourire has a twofold objective: to carry out surgical operations and to train national staff.

For our project Sierra Leone we are looking for a;

Medical Coordinator ‘Operatie Glimlach’ Sierra Leone

(1st September- 30 November 2012)

MdM Netherlands has selected Sierra Leone to conduct two surgical camps “Operation Sourire/ Operatie Glimlach” (OPS) at Magbenthe community hospital in September and at Masanga hospital in October 2012. Dokters van de Wereld is recruiting a medical coordinator who will be assigned to coordinate both mission at the site in collaboration with partner hospitals and medical teams from the Netherlands (UMCG and MST Enschede).

As medical coordinator you will prepare the surgical camp in the field with partner hospital in which you will jointly make a final identification of patient, set up a patient-flow system and define a clear training and coaching plan for medical staff. During the surgical camp you are the focal point for both Dutch medical team and partner hospital in which you ensure a smooth implementation of the camp; ensuring patient flow between OT and ward and supervise the post operative phase.

As the coordinator you liaise with partners and local authorities. In support of the further development of the ‘Operatie Glimlach’ mission you will gather lessons learned of both mission to support the development of tools and protocols, furthermore you will contribute to the design of the multiyear plan for Sierra Leone

Description of responsibilities

Supervise, monitor and evaluate the OPS program for Sierra Leone 2012 following plan and budget

Design multiyear strategy 2013-2015 for OPS Sierra Leone mission in collaboration with local partner hospitals and Dutch medical teams and set foundation for partnership agreements.

Design and facilitate the implementation of capacity building activities for national medical staff

Ensure OPS missions comply to quality and safety agreements and guidelines

Support local medical staff in their task to provide proper information and education to patient and families regarding the surgery and required post operative care

Provide overall logistic support to surgical team and partner hospital

Strengthen referral network in support of OPS patient follow up and support

Liaison with local authorities and NGO partners in the region

Registration and maintenance of patient data base and

Gather lessons learned and write mission report

Represent DvdW in the field


You have a medical background (doctor, nurse, anesthesiologist)

Solid experience in both clinical setting and development aid setting

Familiar with the African context and structural/ long term programs,

Personality: flexible, independent, strategic and able to adapt to changing environment (stress management)

Other proven work experience: Program management, team management and partnership development

Skills: good communication skills, reporting, excellent networker

Having participated in surgical camps is a strong preference

We Offer

A challenging independent position in an international setting.

You will receive a fulltime field employment contract by MDM the Netherlands/Dokters van de Wereld.

In accordance with the organizations’ goals we offer a moderate but fair compensation including a full insurance package, 25 annual leave days per year. All work related (international)travel and accommodation costs are covered by MdM the Netherlands

You will be based in the guesthouse of partner hospitals.

Additional Information & Application

If you are interested in this position please send your cv and motivation letter latest Thursday 21 june 2012 to the attention of Mrs. Ilja Fikkert, HR Coordinator, email address: recruitment@doktersvandewereld.org

Please state as well where you read this vacancy.

For more information about the content of this position, you can contact Mrs. Arianne de Jong, Program Manager at phonenumber 020-4652866 or per email: adejong@doktersvandewereld.org

For more information about MdM the Netherlands, see our website www.doktersvandewereld.org (dutch) or MdM France website www.medecinsdumonde.org