
Oxfam International Evaluation of Public Communications on Development Aid

Terms of Reference

1.    Background

Oxfam’s public communications on aid and development operates across multiple national contexts. We aim to influence public awareness, attitudes and political decisions in order to sustain donor government commitments for more and better aid. In recent years we have faced substantial challenges to maintain this support in the face of the financial crisis. In many countries, governments are threatening to reduce or already have cut aid contributions, and/or are reorienting their aid to fulfil national interests than address poverty and development. 

2.    Purpose and Audience  

This evaluation will analyse how Oxfam has communicated with the public about development aid in five donor countries over the past four years (2008-2012).  We aim to assess the content of our messages and their delivery, in order to identify how to engage the public more effectively.  This evaluation will take place alongside a separate but complementary market testing phase.  The findings will inform our future communications strategy on aid, particularly in priority countries where we expect to face threats to aid in upcoming national budget cycles.  

The primary audience is internal: Oxfam campaign teams and management.  The report will also be provided to our funders, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and European Commission.  In line with the Oxfam International Evaluation Policy, the evaluation will be made publicly available via the Oxfam website.

3.    Evaluation Questions

Key areas of inquiry are identified below.  The final evaluation questions will be refined in conjunction with the successful consultants.

1.    What frames and values are carried with the messages Oxfam has used over time and in what contexts?  How has Oxfam communicated these messages?

2.    Which messages delivered through what means of communication:
•    Have had the greatest reach to our audience? (exposure)
•    Have mobilized the greatest public engagement? 
•    Are perceived to be most influential by key aid and development commentators?

4.    Indicative Approaches, Methods and Content of the Evaluation 

This evaluation is intended to be both descriptive and explanatory.  It will triangulate data from multiple sources, likely involving coding and content analysis of messages, comparative analyses of internal evaluations, indicators of reach (i.e. website hits, media coverage) and influence (i.e. number of signatures), and semi-structured interviews with key external commentators.

The evaluators short-listed for interview will be asked to propose methodological approaches, within the time and budget constraints of the contract.   The selected evaluator/ evaluation team will then work collaboratively with Oxfam to refine the methodology and agree a detailed evaluation plan.

5.    Evaluation Process and Timeline

The evaluation will be carried out in October and finalised in November 2012.  

Action    By When
Terms of Reference out to tender    20 September 2012
Tender bids received by    1 October 2012
Review applications    Week of 1 October
Interviews, contract evaluator    Week of 7 October
Refine evaluation questions, agree evaluation plan     mid October
Evaluation undertaken    October
First draft report submitted to Oxfam    Early November
Final evaluation     End of November 2012

6.    Deliverables
•    Evaluation plan
•    Codebook
•    A presentation of interim initial evaluation findings/first draft for feedback from Oxfam
•    Final evaluation report
•    Executive Summary, stand alone, ‘communicable’, 4 pages.
•    Oxfam may also wish to communicate the evaluation findings in different forms for different audiences.  This will be discussed at the interview stage.

7.    Skills and Competencies

1.    Language competency in English, Dutch and Spanish
2.    An understanding of linguistics using framing and values
3.    Experience in qualitative data collection methods and analysis
4.    Familiarity with public campaigning and with development and aid issues
5.    Excellent analytical, writing and synthesis skills
6.    Experience in media tracking desirable

8. Tenders/bids

Oxfam invites bids from organisations/individuals, with the experience and skills as described above. Joint bids are welcome. Tenders should include: 
•    A cover letter introducing the evaluators/organisation and how the skills and competencies described above are met, with concrete examples; indication of fees and availability
•    A CV for each evaluator
•    Writing sample in English, preferably a previous evaluation

Tenders should be emailed to Miss Guppi Bola at guppi.bola@oxfaminternational.org by close of business on1st October 2012.
Short listed candidates will be contacted by email on Wednesday 3 October.