
DFID Research advisers - South Asia Research Hub (Delhi)

Reference: DFIDJOB-0272
Closing date: 16 November 2012
Interview date: Not Specified
Number of vacancies: 2
Salary: -
Location: New Delhi
Appointment Terms: 2 years fixed term
Working Arrangements: Full time
Specific requirements: For salary information please refer to the job description
Brief description:
These posts will support the delivery of the SARH and wider DFID Research objectives in South Asia. The post-holders will work closely with staff from RED, DFID country offices in South Asia, and staff from the Research Councils UK and the BIS-FCO Science and Innovation Network. The SARH works across the full range of DFID funded research, but has identified 5 key priority thematic areas: nutrition; violence against women; climate change; education; and the private sector.
The post-holders will be self-starters able to identify new opportunities for DFID’s support to research and to strengthen the use of research and evidence in policy and programming. The post-holders must be able to work well within a team and collaborate with a wide-range of professionals from different organisations and backgrounds.
The SARH has 4 objectives:
  • To work with country offices to identify and use evidence, and to support the commissioning of research and impact evaluations where appropriate
  • To ensure RED research programmes are aware of and responsive to key regional issues and new research opportunities
  • To support capacity-building in research in south Asia, including through increasing access to UK research funding by south Asian researchers
    4. To link to the wider UK research effort

Scope of work

The current vacancies are for two Research Advisers appointed at either the A2 or A2L sub-band. Meeting the SARH objectives will involve a challenging and exciting programme of work and will require the post-holders to:
  • support the preparation of evidence reviews on key subjects and support the mapping of research capability within countries and sectors;
  • work with DFID Research teams to ensure research programmes address key regional priorities;
    • support the commissioning and management of operationally relevant research and evaluations projects;
      • support the identification and commissioning of systematic reviews and other evidence products as demanded from DFID and its partners;
        • support, commission and manage projects to improve research coordination;
        • support DFID country offices to develop and submit bids for the DFID policy research fund; and,
        • engage with the wider research community in South Asia.
        These posts offer an exciting opportunity to help shape and define how DFID’s research programme develops and responds to South Asian issues. The posts therefore offer a real opportunity to take responsibility in driving forward a dynamic and effective programme with significant responsibility and potential for innovation. As demand for support from the SARH is high and growing, the post-holders will play an important role in helping SARH prioritise areas of engagement.

        Duties and responsibilities

        The post-holders will be expected to undertake the work described below and will be expected to develop the programme of work further in the light of their expertise and demand from country offices. Given the growing nature of demand for support around research and evidence in private sector programmes, one of the Research Advisers will be expected to take a lead on the development of new programmes of research, evaluation and evidence review focused on the private sector (including issues such as inclusive growth and micro-finance), whilst contributing to the wider SARH agenda. The other Research Adviser will work on wider collaboration on climate change and environment in the region, working with the joint Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)/DFID Energy, Climate and Growth Unit (ECGU).