
UNICEF Senior staff vacancies Nov 2012

In this section, you will find vacancies for senior management positions advertised outside of the e-Recruitment system. To apply to these vacancies, you will need to submit your CV or resume as well as a United Nations Personal History P11 form to the email address indicated in the vacancy announcement. The P11 form can be downloaded here. [Word] Alternatively, if you have maintained a candidate profile in e-Recruitment, you may download that profile and submit it as part of your application.
Senior Staff Rotation and Reassignment Exercise (SSRRE 2013)
UNICEF’s Senior Staff Rotation and Reassignment Exercise (SSRRE 2013) is a corporate exercise to pursue systematic and timely succession planning for senior positions within the Organization and facilitate the identification of the most suitable candidates to serve as UNICEF leaders globally. 
The current exercise will focus on Representative positions in country offices, as well as senior positions in New York and other HQ and Regional Office locations. 
Applicants are invited to express a maximum of five post preferences, listed in order of priority. For staff within the UN system, please note that at least three of the posts applied to should be at the applicant’s present level, again prioritized.
Applicants are requested to submit ONE cover letter listing their post preferences in order of priority together with the Personal History Form (P.11), CV and the latest performance evaluations if applicable. A separate application for each post is NOT required. Please send your application torecruit.ssr@unicef.org.
Applications should be received by 23 November 2012.